Monthly New Haven Town Board
Meeting Minutes
July 21, 2005
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause, present were Robert Krause, Myron Byers, Jim Beard and Berniece J. Tangney, with the treasurer in absence. Meeting was in compliance with the open meeting laws.
Minutes of the June 16, 2005 public hearing and monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved as read with a motion by Beard/Byers. M/C. Treasurer’s report was presented by the Clerk with the following balances as of June 30, 2005: NOW account: $10,085.44, MM reserve account: $207,435.85, and Berry Ridge Parking Fee account: $4,739.31. Motion to approve this report was made by Beard/Byers. M/C.
There was no one present for the rezone request of Dale Ganske on the Zacek property located on State Road 23.
The dumpsters at Berry Ridge Mobile Park were approved to remain there for an extension of 30 days with a motion by Beard/Byers. Within thirty (30) days there is to be new owners of the park, and future negotiations will be with them.
Chairperson Krause had not received the Gentlemen’s Club Ordinance back from Town Attorney Pollex as of this meeting date, item to be placed on the August Town Board agenda.
Paul Kiszkan of 158 Grouse Court Private requested a set-back variance in order to build a new house and garage, motion by Byers, Beard to approve this variance and will be conforming to all the other adjacent lots. M/C.
Robert Anderson of Gulch Avenue reproached the Town Board asking for a rezone of his 38.3 acres to be divided and zoned as follows: 3.3 acres will be divided into a lot and zoned R-1, with the remaining 35 acres to be zoned from A-1 to A-3. Motion by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Several residents from the Berry Ridge Mobile Park were present to seek help from the Town Board on existing problems with failing septic tanks in the park that are not adequate for the size of families that are using them. Chairperson stated that the State and County Health and Human services have been contacted regarding this issue.
Clark Petersen asked the Town Board to examine a culvert on First Lane south of his residence. The area seems to be washing out underneath the culvert on both ends. Also Board members are to contact Jim Cleary as to the problem of water running across the road by his property. When it is determined what materials are needed by the two Supervisors, they are to contact the Chairperson for the go ahead with the project.
Glenn Licitar stated that the gate at the transfer-site has been repaired.
A representative from the Adams County Tobacco Free Coalition approached the Town Board about adopting a Smoke-free policy for the Township Municipal Building, and possibly wanting to adopt a resolution prohibiting smoking inside of Town owned buildings. This will be placed on the August agenda.
The Town Clerk will place a request for Town Hall improvement bids in the Rural Rambler, as there was no response to the one placed in the Adams County Times several weeks ago. Bids are asked to submitted by 5:00 p.m. on August 12, 2005, and will be opened at a committee meeting on August 15, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Bills for payment were read by the Clerk, motion by Byers/Beard to pay as presented. M/C. Motion at 8:40 p.m. by Beard/Byers to adjourn until the next monthly Town Board meeting of August 18, 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on August 18, 2005)