TB Agenda 4-16-09




Thursday, April 16, 2009 - 7:00 p.m.

Town Hall - 330 Golden Court







A)  Call to order/ roll call

B)  Pledge of Allegiance

C)  Agenda approval/ open meeting law compliance

D)  Meeting minutes

E)  Financial report for March 2009

F)  Old Business:

    1)  Discussion/possible action on prices for back fill material to be placed

        On Golden Court


G) New Business:

    1)  Discussion/possible action on quote from Rageth to mow Town Hall yard

    2)  Establish date for annual road inspection by Town Bd. Members & discuss/

        Possible action on patching of roads

    3)  Appointment of Plan Commission members for terms expiring in April 2009

    4)  Approval by Town Board for Legal Counsel to review “subdivison/land division

        Ordinace” prepared by Plan Commission

H)  Reports & forthcoming events, local & county

I)  Public Input (no action can be taken by the town board at this time)

J)  Payment of bills

K)  Next meeting date/adjournment


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk


Posted:  April 14, 2009


Reminders:  Special Town Board meeting April 22, 2009-7:00 p.m. at the Town hall for the purpose of discussing/possible action on bids for culvert that will be installed under Golden Ct.  LARGE OBJECT “drop off” AT THE TRANSFER SITE WILL BE HELD ON MAY 9, 2009 AT “NO CHARGE.” Tires will also be collected that day for a fee.









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