AUGUST 17, 2006
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause. All board members were present. The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Minutes of the July 20, 2006 monthly town board meeting were read by the clerk and approved with a motion from Jim Beard/Myron Byers. M/C. The financial report was presented by the treasurer with the following balances as of July 31, 2006: NOW checking account: $41,585.11, MM savings account: $43,253.75 and Berry Ridge parking fees: $7,102.72. Motion to accept as presented by Byers/Beard. M/C.
Old Business: A sealed bid was opened from Glenn Licitar for $175.00 to purchase and remove the building (includes heater) at the transfer-site. Motion from Byers/Beard to accept this bid. M/C.
Motion by Byers/Beard to table the Kingsley rezone application from A-3 to R-2 at 476 Gillette Avenue until applicant or representative is present at a meeting. M/C.
The proposed zoning maps for non-conforming parcels were informally accepted with a motion by Krause/Byers. Public hearings will be held at the county and local levels before there will be final approval. M/C.
Motion by Krause/Beard to prepay for 400 gallons of propane at $1.58.9 from Holh’s Propane, contract was signed and returned. M/C.
Chairperson will contact Scott Babcock and Byers is to contact Jungenbergs to try to negotiate road repairs and land owners responsibility, issue to be placed back on the September 2006 agenda with motion from Krause/Beard. M/C.
New Business: The EMS contract was tabled until the September 2006 town board meeting with a motion by Krause/Byers. Board members will be contacting other townships and the Dells/Delton EMS as to the wording in question. M/C.
Rezone was approved for Tom and Shirley Storandt at 4105 Fourth Drive for three (3) acres and buildings from A-1 to R-1 with a motion by Krause/Beard. M/C.
Motion to reduce the number of poll-workers for the September 12, 2006 primary to three (3) by Byers/Beard. M/C.
Town board members will assess the worst areas for visibility on the town roads and report to the clerk by August 22, 2006. Motion to have Steve White do just these roads until the late September mowing of all roads by Krause/Beard. M/C.
Chairperson put together budget prices for potential road projects in 2007, discussion followed.
Darrell Renner and Roberta Sindelar both candidates for Adams County Sheriff, gave brief presentations and remained after the meeting to answer any questions from residents.
Motion to have Chairperson call and have a Town Board member be placed on the September 2006 agenda of the Adams County Planning and Development Committee concerning the Big Spring Dam project and Golden Court road options by Krause/Byers. M/C. Cynthia Loken, County Board Chairperson also expressed interest in conferring with Town Board members concerning the same issues.
Transfer-site mowing by Glenn Licitar was approved with a motion by Byers/Beard. M/C.
The bills were presented by the clerk, motion to pay as presented by Byers/Beard. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:33 p.m. until September 21, 2006 by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on September 21, 2006)