www.Ready.gov - Homeland Security: Learn how you and your family can be prepared for emergencies.
1. Get a kit of emergency supplies.
2. Make a plan for what you will do in an emergency.
3. Be informed of what might happen.
www.redcross.org - Being prepared for emergencies is crucial at home, school, work and in your community.
www.pandemicflu.gov - The official U.S. government Web site for information on pandemic flu and avian influenza.
FEMA's National Incident Management System (NIMS) - While most emergency situations are handled locally, when there’s a major incident help may be needed from other jurisdictions, the state and the federal government. NIMS was developed so responders from different jurisdictions and disciplines can work together better to respond to natural disasters and emergencies, including acts of terrorism.
NIMS benefits:
-Unified approach to incident management;
-Standard command and management structures; and
-Emphasis on preparedness, mutual aid and resource
www.EmergencyManagement.wi.gov - Wisconsin Emergency Management: Wisconsin Emergency Management specializes in Hazard Mitigation, Warning & Communications, Emergency Police Services, Disaster Response & Recovery, Hazardous Materials & EPCRA, Radiological Emergency Preparedness, and Exercise & Training for the State of Wisconsin. Includes a link to the Wisconsin Emergency Response Plan.
Wisconsin Public Health and Hospital Preparedness Emergency Plans - Including Pandemic Flu Plan
Adams County Emergency Management - Includes a link to the Adams County All Hazzard Mitigation Plan.
Local government authority during public emergencies
New Haven Emergency Plan Table of Contents