TB Minutes 8-16-12



THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2012-7:00 p.m. –TOWN HALL 


                                                                                                                                                                                    The  Regular Monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson with all Town Board members present.  Pledge of Allegiance was recited.  This meeting was properly noticed and a motion was made by Lenny Brad Seiler/ Mike Julson to accept the agenda as printed for this meeting.  M/C.  Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board meeting of July 19, 2012 were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion from Seiler/ Julson. M/C.  The financial report as of July 31, 2012 was read by the Town Treasurer with the following  balances:  NOW checking account: $1,822.08 Berry Ridge Parking Fees: $5,955.47 Money Market:  $7,832.38, Tax Collections: closed  and CD: $19,519.08, approved by Seiler/Watson. M/C.


    Chairperson Julson received information from Crawford Oil of Portage, WI regarding prices for LP tank rental and fuel.  A motion was made by Watson/Seiler to have Crawford Oil switch out tanks and transfer remaining fuel and have them do a summer fill for the cash price of $1.295 in September when Crawford has time.  They will contact us so that a person can be there to make sure furnace is operating correctly. M/C.  Adams County Zoning Administrator, Phil McLaughlin had asked the Town’s informal opinion on a possible revision down the line that would allow short-term rentals/B&B’s on all agricultural and residential zoned properties with a Conditional Use Permit.  The New Haven Plan Commission reviewed this possibility and recommended to the Town Board that this change was not appropriate across our Town.  Pete Joslin, Plan Commission Chairperson stated that” this would not “shut the door” as applicants could still apply for a rezone to a district that does allow this.” Also Mr. Joslin reminded the Town Board that when and if these proposed revisions do come up for a Hearing and possible adoption, this would be another opportunity  that the Town could choose to remain with County Zoning or drop out.  Motion by Seiler/Watson to have the Town Clerk forward these minutes to the Planning & Zoning Administrator. M/C.  At the Town Board meeting in July, Mr. Murphy of Adams County Land & Water presented the Town Board with plans to continue to restore Big Spring Creek which would entail the removal of the culvert under Golden Ave. to be replaced with a larger one and much excavation.  Mr. Murphy explained that the Town’s share of that project would be approximately $17,150.  The Town Board tabled any decisions at that time until the August 2012 regular monthly Town Board meeting.  After reviewing the plans and costs that Mr. Murphy sent to the Town, it was decided with a motion by Watson/Seiler that the Town is not interested in participating in the project at this time. M/C.  Minutes concerning this decision will also be forwarded to the Adams County Land & Water department to Mr. Murphy’s attention by a motion from Watson/Seiler. M/C.




    Town Chairperson Julson contacted Dale Reichoff, a private road construction  consultant, to investigate the recent damage on Golden Ave. to the new pavement and shoulders that was a result of Central Cable out of Waupun, WI. installing fiber optic cables in the road right-of-way.  Mr. Reichhoff recorded and took pictures of numerous areas of damage and was able to make contact with a Company supervisor.  The Supervisor verbally  agreed  that when they are all done in the Township, he will be more than willing to observe  all the Town roads with Mr. Reichhoff  & Board members to repair all damages.  They should be done here in approximately 2 weeks.  Central Cable appeared to be very willing to work with the Town.


      The vouchers for payment were read by the Clerk, and approved  by  Seiler/ Watson.  M/C.  This meeting was adjourned at 8;10 p.m. until Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. with a motion being made by Seiler/Julson.  M/C.


Respectfully submitted;



Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk



(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 9/20/2012.)


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