TB annual meeting minutes 4/11/06



APRIL 11, 2006


    The annual meeting was called to order by Chairperson Robert Krause at 7:00 p.m.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Minutes of the 2005 annual meeting were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion by Dennis Schmidt/Pat Coon.  M/C.  The 2005 financial report was presented by the Town Clerk and accepted as presented with a motion from Mary Lou Anderson/Myron Byers.  M/C.


    Old business:  The problem of littering the roadways was again brought up from the floor as a concern.  Suggestions were to have an organized clean-up day and reward the workers with a lunch afterwards.  Pete Joslin mentioned that the Lion’s Club was possibly looking for a 2-mile section of highway to clean-up twice a year.


    New business:  Motion by Glenn Licitar to have another tire recycling pick-up scheduled at the transfer-site, it will be included on the May Town Board meeting agenda to set a date, and contact Auburndale for availability, second by Jim Beard.  M/C.  Another item to be placed on the May agenda was a new sign at the entrance to the transfer-site, stating “For residents only,” motion by Myron Byers/Jim Beard to get prices on sign replacement.  M/C.  Motion by Dennis Schmidt to increase the business mileage rate to 44.5 cents per mile driven, effectively immediately, second by Anna Davis.  M/C. (This rate was taken from the suggested 2006 guidelines of the IRS.)  Discussion to replace the old folding chairs in the hall with new ones with padded seats at a price not to exceed $22.00 each, the number to be purchased would be approximately 40-45 chairs.  Motion to approve this purchase by Myron Byers/Christine Krause.  M/C.  Motion by Myron Byers/Rosemary Carlson to have the Town Board  look into some options and prices for fixing the interior walls, ceiling and installation of insulation.  M/C.  Posting places will be put on the May Town Board meeting agenda, Pete Joslin stated that he would get a price on installing a public posting board along a main roadway.  The Town Clerk and Treasurer requested a possible solution for records storage, the humidity in the new pump room will be evaluated and may be an option, as it has extra space.


    The date of the 2007 annual town meeting was set for April 10th with a motion by Myron Byers/Mary Lou Anderson. M/C.  Motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. by Mary Lou Anderson/Jim Beard.  M/C.


Respectfully submitted,


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk          (these are unapproved minutes subject to approval in 2007)







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