
Wisc Dept of Commerce - Bureau of Housing (15 programs) "The Bureau of Housing (BOH) helps expand local affordable housing and supports services to people without housing. The fifteen federal and state programs, managed by the Bureau, aid elderly persons, people with disabilities, low and moderate income residents and the homeless population. The Bureau works closely with local governments and non-profit housing organizations to deliver financial and technical housing assistance and to strengthen the capabilities of housing organizations."

Marty Evanson, Bureau Director


More than $40 million is distributed annually to improve the supply of affordable housing for Wisconsin residents.


Looking for help in finding an Affordable Housing unit for yourself and family?  Check out WIFrontDoorHousing.org .  This site has apartments listed from every county of the state, and allows you to search based on availability, rent amount, handicap accessiblity, Income Restrictive, accepts Section 8 vouchers and much more.  Many of the units are available for immediate occupancy.



Home Energy Plus - The Wisconsin Home Energy Assistance Program (WHEAP) administers the federally funded Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Public Benefits Energy Assistance Program. LIHEAP and its related services help over 100,000 Wisconsin households annually. In addition to regular heating and electric assistance, specialized services include:


Emergency fuel assistance,

Counseling for energy conservation and energy budgets,

Pro-active co payment plans,

Targeted outreach services,

Emergency furnace repair and replacement.

Services are provided locally through:


For more information call 1-866-HEATWIS (432-8947).



US Dept Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - Owning your own home is the American Dream…but you need to be prepared for its challenges. These tips, tricks, and other information can help make your experience as a homeowner a little easier.


Includes programs for maintenance, repair, improvements, energy efficiency, financing, etc.





Wisconsin Multiple Listings - South Central Wisconsin Multiple Listing Service Internet Site. With more than 500 member firms,and 2,000 REALTOR® Professionals, home sellers are assured of the widest possible exposure to prospective buyers while home seekers are provided with the greatest possible selection in South Central Wisconsin.


The South Central Wisconsin MLS serves Dane, Sauk , Columbia, Rock, Dodge, and Green Counties as well as portions of Iowa, Jefferson, Lafayette, Grant, Crawford, Richland, Vernon, Juneau, Adams, and Marquette Counties.






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