Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting
Minutes of August 19, 2010
The Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson, Mike Julson. All Town Board members were in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was in compliance with the Open Meeting Law. Brad Seiler moved to certify agenda posting and approve the agenda for this meeting, seconded by Leo Musiedlak. M/C. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board meeting of July 15, 2010 were approved with a motion by Musiedlak/Seiler. M/C. The financial report as of July 31, 2010 includes the following balances: NOW checking-$5,881.67, Berry Ridge Parking fees-$5,243.02 M/M savings-$44,511.62 and Certificate of Deposit-$25,268.93, motion to approve by Seiler/Musiedlak. M/C.
Chairperson Julson brought a proposal to the table for repairs on 2nd lane from D.L. Gasser Construction of Baraboo, WI to clean, install tack, wedge and shoulder four sections for a total of 4,444 sq. yds. in the amount of $24,616.00. Museidlak moved to accept the proposal, seconded by Seiler. M/C.
The Town Board discussed possible options for mowing, brushing and snow removal of Municipal roads with representatives from Thome Enterprises. Jon Thome stated at this time he does not have the equipment or man-power to take on another municipality for snow removal. He has started to mow the Town roads with a double swath @ $65.00 pr. hr. as of this meeting and would be interested in brushing the designated roads come October when the leaves have fallen and he can see what is in the ditches and road right-of-ways at $75.00 pr. hr. Chairperson Julson had received another quote from the Adams County Highway Dept. @ approximately $150.00 pr. hr. for man and machine. Brushing will again be placed on the September or October agenda.
Sheriff Darrell Renner a candidate up for re-election in September introduced himself and briefly spoke about his performance record and programs he has implemented and accomplishments in the department since the beginning of his four year term. Disbursements were read by the Town Clerk and accepted for payment with a motion by Seiler/Musiedlak. M/C. This meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. until September 16, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. with a motion by Seiler/Musiedlak. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on September 16, 2010.)