TB Minutes 12/20/07

Town of New Haven, Adams County

Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

December 20, 2007


The regular monthly town board meeting was called order by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present except Jim Beard Sup. II and the Treasurer.  Motion by Lenny Watson/Mike Julson to approve the agenda. M/C.  Minutes of the November meetings were read by the clerk and approved as read by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  The treasurer’s report was read by the town clerk and approved by Watson/Julson with the following balances as of November 30, 2007, NOW checking account $13,123.17, MM savings $24,645.88 and Berry Ridge $7,776.65.


Old Business:                                                            The 2007/2008 snowplowing contract with the Adams Co. Hwy. Dept. was approved by Watson/Julson.  M/C. 


New Business:

A blanket “highway permit” for Adams Columbia Electric Co-op to use the township road right-of-ways to repair or install lines was approved by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  The transfer-site attendants wages will increase from $11.00 p/hr to $15.00 p/hr effective January 1, 2008 which was approved by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  The following election poll-workers were approved for a two year term:  Betty Licitar, Dennis & Grace Schmitz, Jay and Michele Hammerly, Audrey Blomgren, Dona Carlson, Jan Luepke, Karen Lentz and Anna Davis and any others can be appointed as needed by the town clerk, motion to accept nominees by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  A letter from Wisconsin Dells Chief of Police, Bret Anderson was read concerning an ambulance call early in December that was mistakenly misdirected to their department to dispatch an ambulance, then was transferred back into Columbia  County who at first stated that they did not serve the town of New Haven and mass confusion followed for several minutes while the 911 caller was still on the line.  Chairperson Julson has met with all department heads in insure this does not happen in the future again. 


The bills were read by the town clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. until January 17, 2008 by Watson/Julson.  M/C.


Respectfully submitted;



Berniece J. Tangney, town clerk



(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on January 17, 2008)





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