NOVEMBER 2, 2005
The public hearing was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 2, 2005 at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause. All town board members were present, the treasurer was not required to attend. Plan commission members present were: Pete Joslin, Chairperson, Jane Bloss, secretary along with Bob Krause and Myron Byers, Jason Lindner was not present.
The purpose of the public hearing was explained by Town Board Chairperson Krause, and requested that a time limit of 5 minutes per person for public comment on the plan. The ordinance to approve the plan was read.
Plan commission Chairperson Pete Joslin gave a brief overview of the plan, the explanation of corrections to the September 6, 2005 draft. There will be a yearly review of the plan and fine tuning will be done if needed. Every five years there will be a complete review of the plan and revisions at that time.
The plan commission at this time has no responsibilities other than writing and reviewing the Comprehensive Plan, in the future they may be requested to review zoning requests before coming before the town board.
Public comment:
Ken Huber- said he realized the plan took lots of time to finish, and further commented that he felt there is way too much government involvement in personal lives. He was concerned that residents who have acquired large amounts of agricultural zoned land will not be able to subdivide and develop, which would support their retirement.
Robert Donner- thanked the plan commission for their time and efforts and stated he has read the plan in its entirety and said he believed it to be a very good plan.
Myron Byers- explained that this comprehensive plan and county zoning is our only regulation to future desired expansion, and that there would be future surveys for residents.
Motion to close the public hearing by Jim Beard/Myron Byers. M/C.
Motion to adopt the New Haven Comprehensive Plan including corrections and changes and sign Ordinance 2005-3 by Byers/Beard. M/C.
Motion to adjourn at 6:35 p.m. by Byers/Beard. M/C.
Respectfully submitted: _____________________________Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk