Adams County Department Of Aging's Guide To Services For Older Adults
The Adams County Aging Department is within the Health and Human Services Department in Adams County Government. The purpose of the Department is to be a spokesperson for the interests and concerns of Adams County residents, age 60 and older; as well as to initiate, coordinate and administer programs which help older adults remain active contributing citizens of the community.
To enquire about assistance for yourself, family members or friends, or to enquire about volunteering, contact Carol Johnson, Director of Adams County Aging Department, 560 North Cedar, Suite #4, Adams, WI 53910. Phone (608) 339-4251, Fax (608) 339-4281, Email Normal office hours are Monday-Friday 8 am to 4:30 pm.
Programs and Services Available:
Benefit Specialist - Assists people to cut through the red tape involved with health care and private or government benefits. Addresses problems with Medicare, Medicare Supplements, Social Security Income (SSI), Medical Assistance, Consumer Problems, Housing Problems, Partner Care and Disability Claims.
Call Pal - A telephone reassurance program that enlists volunteers to make a telephone call to individuals living alone that need to be contacted daily.
Elder Abuse - Physical, material, financial or mental abuse, or self-neglect can be reported, and appropriate referrals and/or follow-ups will be conducted in a confidential manner.
Health & Wellness - Informational programs, presentations and workshops on health and wellness which enrich the quality of life for the older population, such as eye screening, cholesteral screening, hearing screening, toe nail clipping, etc.
Information & Referral - If you are 60 years of age or older contact the Aging Department first with any questions or problems and we shall provide the information and/or referral - whichever is necessary.
Medical Escort - Transportation provided by private automoblies by volunteer drivers for persons that have no other way by which to travel to medical appointments. (Co-payment).
Nutrition Program - This program serves hot and nutritious meals which help provide mental as well as physical wellness. Here older people visit with friends and join in such activities as playing cards or other games. Nurses offer blood pressure and other screenings and staff from the Aging Department share useful information with participants. Meals can be delivered to the homes of older people who meet the guidelines. In some remote areas where it is not possible to deliver a hot meal on a daily basis, frozen meals are provided weekly or biweekly.
Nutrition Sites-Adams County Aging Department
569 North Cedar Street, Suite #4
Adams, WI 53910
(608) 339-4251
Big Flats Town Hall
1104 County Road C
Arkdale, WI 54613
(608) 564-7754
Easton Town Hall
1163 County Road A
Adams, WI 53910
(608) 584-5200
(The Aging Dept would consider any proposed new sites that are qualified and include necessary long-term volunteer commitments.)
Outreach - Contact individuals who are frail, isolated and/or in need of supportive services, and attempt to connect them with necessary services or programs. Seeks to raise the general public level of awareness of available services.
Peer Support - Gives support to people facing stress of later years such as loss of loved ones, change in living situation, physical losses, loneliness or loss of independence. Provide discussion group, activity groups and socialization groups.
Van Transportation - Bus rides to nutrition sites and a weekly trip within the Adams-Friendship area for shopping to grocery store, hardware store, etc. Special trips to points of interest may be organized and offered.
Visually Impaired - People who have visual impairments and are eligible for participation in the state program may receive home visits, teaching and counseling, and may be introduced to various visual aids that would enable them to continue to live independently.
Volunteer Services - People are always needed to deliver meals, wrap bread, set tables, organize card games or perform other services. Just ask how you can help.
Family Caregiver Support Program (FCSP) - This program is to provide information, support and assistance to family caregivers, 60 years of age, in a direct and helpful manner. There are five categories of service:
1. Information and outreach
2. Information and assistance and care management
3. Counseling and training
4. Temporary respite and supplemental services such
as personal care, homemaker chores, adult
daycare, nutrition counseling, assisted
transportation and transportation supplemental
5. Miscellaneous supplemental services which are not
covered in the top four categories.
Alzheimer's Family Caregiver Support Program (AFCSP) - This program is to provide services needed by families that are caring for someone at home with irreversible dementia. To be eligible a person must have a diagnosis of Alzheimers's Disease or a related disorder and be financially eligible. These sevices which are available are necessary to monitor a person with Alzheimer's Disease in the community. Typical services could include in-home help, respite day care and transportation. Services provided could include nutritional supplements, home delivered meals, specialized clothing, etc.
Volunteer Senior Home Repair Program - A grant from the Retirement Research Foundation has made this program possible. The goal of this program is to help senior citizens stay in their homes as long as their health and safety is ensured. This program provides volunteers to do the small but important repairs, and the program pays for the materials.
Senior Care Prescription Drug Program - This is a prescription drug assistance program for Wisconsin residents who are 65 years of age or older who meet the eligibility criteria. The program is designed to help senior citizens with their prescription drug costs.
Please do not hesitate to contact the Department as we are here to assist in anyway possible. (608) 339-4251