TB Agenda 2-21-08



Thursday, February 21, 2008

Town Hall - 330 Golden Court




A)  Call to order/Roll Call

B)  Pledge of Allegiance

C)  Agenda approval/open meeting law compliance

D)  January 2008 meeting minutes

E)  Treasurer’s report for January 2008


F)  Old Business:

      1) Discussion/ possible action on Big Spring dam and road preliminary design, Concept

            Plans and Final Design Contract presented by MSA-Greg Montgomery


G)  New Business:

      1) Request for variance to Adams County Sanitary ordinance (5.31) for a proposed  non-typical/ experimental mound soil absorption system by Craig/Paul Jeske, property location, 138 Golden Drive.


        2)Request for three (3) variances for property at 180 State Road 23, owned by Michael and Barbara Oryhan, Bret & Jamie Thibodeaux as agent.


a)  Reduction in 30’ setback from public access easement (Adams County Zoning Ord. 3-4.04)


b) Reduction in 75’ setback from ordinary highwater mark (Adams County Shoreline Protection Ord.  3.21)


c) Reduction in 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size (Adams County Private Sewage System Ord. 7.2)


        3)  Informative presentation by Divine Savior EMS crew, an ambulance will be on site for those wishing to observe it.


H)  Reports & forthcoming events, local & county

I)  Public Input ( no action will be taken by the town board)

J)  Payment of bills

K)  Next meeting date/adjournment


Posted:  February 18, 2008              Berniece J. Tangney                      Town Clerk                               



















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