TB minutes 4-17-08



APRIL 17, 2008

    The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present with the exception of Supervisor II.  This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Motion by Lenny Watson/Mike Julson to accept the agenda as presented. M/C.  Minutes of the March 20, 2008 regular monthly town board meeting were read and accepted as presented with a motion by Watson/Julson.  M/C.  The financial report has the following balances as of March 31, 2008:  NOW checking account-

$26,470.29, the tax account was closed out as of 3/31/08 and the balance transferred to the Money Market savings account, M/M account-$66,260.86, Berry Ridge parking fees-$1,187.68 and Certificate of Deposit-$9,529.91, motion to approve the financial report by Watson/Julson. M/C.


Old Business:

    Municipal attorney Dan Wood advised the town board that if the petition to Adams County for Culvert Aid was filed prior to October 1, 2008 the funds would be available to the town by January 2009, if filed after that time funds would not be distributed until January 2010.  If the final project cost exceeded the estimate submitted by October 1, 2008 the additional funds would not be paid until 2010.  Motion by Watson/Julson to postpone filing the petition until more information can be obtained from MSA on the estimated project costs.  M/C.


New Business:

    A rough draft of the memorandum of agreement regarding the Big Spring Dam project between the township and the dam’s owner was presented to the town board for consideration, this agreement  is to determine  the responsibilities and intents of each party involved.  Lake Mason Lake District Chairperson Ken Messer suggested that perhaps it would be appropriate to table this agreement until they have their May Lake District meeting to consider options that were presented to them by their attorney.  Mr. Wood will continue to work on the agreement and not later than next week will send out copies to the those involved for review and revisions if needed.  Motion by Watson/Julson to table their decision until all parties have time to review the rough draft.  M/C.  Motion by Watson/Julson to have the town clerk and treasurer submit applications to Rural Insurance to be bonded for the entire year in the amount of $10,000 each as recommended by the Wisconsin Town’s Association.  M/C.  Pauline Rageth submitted a bid for mowing the town hall lawn for $20.00 per mowing for the 2008 season, motion to accept this bid by Watson/Julson. M/C.  Town Clerk was directed to advertise for bids for the brushing and mowing of town roads with bids being opened at the May 15, 2008 meeting.  The town board was advised at the annual meeting to extend the hours at the garbage drop-off site from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  Motion by Watson/Julson to make these hours effective starting 5/3/08.  The summer hours on Wednesday evenings will remain the same from 5:00-7:00 p.m. M/C.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 was designated as the annual large object pick up at no charge to property owners at the garbage drop-off site, town clerk will publish dates, times and what is acceptable and not acceptable.  Chairperson Julson appointed the following plan commission members for the stated terms:  Pete Joslin, chairperson-1 year, Jane Bloss, secretary-1year, Bob Krause-2years, Myron Byers-2years and Jason Lindner-2years all beginning April 17, 2008.  Motion by Watson/Julson to pay the bills as read by the clerk. M/C.  Motion by Watson/Julson to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. until May 15, 2008. M/C.


Respectfully submitted;


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk

(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on May 15, 2008)






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