February 19, 2009
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all Town Board members in attendance. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Motion by Lenny Watson/Leo Musiedlak to approve the agenda as printed for the meeting. M/C. Minutes of the January 15, 2009 caucus and regular monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Town Clerk and approved as presented by Watson/Musiedlak. M/C. The financial report was given by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of January 31, 2009: NOW checking account-$18,206.53, M/M saving account-$28,148.75, Tax account- $257,254.60, Berry Ridge parking fee account-$631.06 and Certificate of Deposit-$14,794.78, motion to accept this report by Watson/Musiedlak. M/C.
MSA engineer Greg Montgomery presented the Town Board with the plan and specification manual for the culvert project on Golden Court at Big Spring Creek. Discussion followed with two remaining concerns at this time:
1) WDNR recommends a larger culvert to accommodate fish passage and 2) they would like to try to require a flood study and flood easements upstream of the proposed culvert. It is of the opinion of the Town’s legal counsel that the WDNR does not have the permitting authority to require accommodations for fish passage or a flood study and easements. The engineer reminded the Town he can’t advise them on the legalities of moving forward on the project without WDNR approval. A motion was made by Musiedlak/Watson to use a steel culvert for the project with the life expectancy of approximately 40-50 years, weighing approximately 21,000 lbs., 13’11” wide with the cost being in the vicinity of $35,500 and manufactured in three sections taking about 5 weeks, with delivery and assembly being included in the price. Also included in this motion was to have MSA prepare one bid to be let to one contractor, that will have separate bid items such as the culvert installation, road surfacing, landscaping & beam guard. The Town will be responsible for ordering the culvert and getting backfill trucked to the site. M/C. These bids will be opened and awarded at a Special Town Board meeting at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular monthly Town Board meeting of March 19, 2009.
The Town Clerk read a Resolution prepared by Mr. Wood to establish a Mobile Home Park License fee. Motion by Musiedlak/Watson to table this until March and have Mr. Wood review and possibly revise this Resolution due to the fact that it designates license fees for the possibility of numerous Mobile Home Parks and the Ordinance restricts the number of Parks in the town to only one. M/C. After discussion on the pursuit of a new assessor for the year 2010, it was decided to have the Clerk meet with the present assessor to obtain all the information needed to start placing advertisements in the near future. There was not much interest expressed in the opportunity to order Weather Warning Radios from the Adams County Emergency Gov’t. for the cost of $25.00. Motion by Musiedlak/Watson to contact Tri-County LP gas service to place a new tank at the Town Hall and use their services in the future, they do not charge for leasing the tank and will always guarantee the best price possible. Chairperson Julson will contact Hohl’s to remove their tank as soon as the new tank is set and fuel transferred. Hohl’s has started charging the Town a lease fee of $48.00 because of the small quantity of fuel used per year. M/C.
It was brought to the attention of the Town Board by Pat Coon at the time of “public input” to address the dangerous intersection of Golden Ave. and Third Ave. There will be an even worse situation than already exists, by motorists not stopping at the stop signs, once Golden Court is opened back up. Chairperson will contact the Adams Co. Hwy. Commissioner to see what options are available to the Town.
The current bills were read by the Town Clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Musiedlak/Watson. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. March 19, 2009 by Watson/Musiedlak. M/C.
Respectfully submitted:
Berneice J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 3/19/09.)