TB Minutes 3-21-13



    The regular monthly Town Board meeting of Thursday, March 21, 2013 held at the Town Hall was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all board members present except Brad Seiler.  The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chairperson Julson.  This meeting was in accordance with the Open Meeting Law by being properly noticed.  This meeting’s agenda was approved with a motion by Lenny  Watson/Mike Julson. M/C.  The meeting minutes of February 21, 2013 were reviewed and also approved with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C.  The February 2013 financial report was read by the Treasurer with the following balances as of February 28, 2013:  NOW checking account-$124,868.31, Berry Ridge Parking Fees-$926.69, MMDA-$4,833.44, reopened Tax account-Closed out and transferred to NOW account, and Certificate of Deposit-$19,558.46. Motion to approve by Watson/Julson. M/C.


    The rezone request by Clarke & Bonita Petersen of 3876 First Lane to change  4.7 acres from A-15 to R2 was tabled again with a motion by Watson/Julson until the April regular monthly town board meeting, as there was no recommendation from the Plan Commission that met on March 11, 2013  because no one was present to represent the Petersens at that meeting.


    The transfer-site lease will come due on April 15, 2013.  The Town will await the present owner’s decision as to the future of the site.  One of the conditions of the pending lease is that the agreement could now be renewed on a yearly basis.          Jason & Gina Lindner approached the Town Board with a petition containing 20 signatures requesting the Board to address the unsafe manner the Town roads are being maintained during the winter months. There was a mutual decision to 1)obtain a bus route from the district and have these streets be a priority, 2) have the private snow plowers begin their routes earlier before the snow got packed down, if the snow quits in the nite, if the storm quits mid-day it would be impossible to clear all roads prior to travelers from work driving on it, 3) purchase and use more salt/sand product 4)consider the installation of snow fences or plowing in open fields to prevent as much drifting.  It was brought to the attention of the Town Board that over the weekend there was another issue at the Haddon Hollow property on Golden Ct. where the renters couldn’t get out the long driveway as the result of it being a glare of ice.  Neighbors encouraged those that walked out asking for help to call the Adams County Sheriff’s Dept. to obtain tow trucks as there were approximately 20 vehicles stuck down there.  Neighbors also stated that as the vehicles were towed out they all parked in the dark on the road awaiting the rest to be retrieved posing a safety issue because none of them had any lights on and there are curves in that location. Neighbors that spoke with these persons stated that the renters had rented just for the weekend as a short term rental.  Neighbors questioned as to how this is possible to keep renting in this manner as it is a violation of the zoning ordinance.  The Town will file a complaint of violation with the Adams County Planning & Zoning Dept.


    The expenditures were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion by  Watson/Julson. M/C.  Motion to adjourn at 8:200 p.m. by Watson/Julson until 7:00  p.m. on Thursday, April 18, 2013.  M/C. 



Respectfully submitted;


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk



These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 4/18/13


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