TB minutes 1-15-09




January 15, 2009


The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all Town Board members present.  This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Motion by Lenny Watson/Leo Musiedlak to approve the agenda as posted for the meeting. M/C.  Minutes of the December 18, 2008  regular monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Town Clerk and approved as read by Watson/Musiedlak.  M/C.  Financial report was read by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of December 31, 2008:  NOW checking account-$7,488.07, M/M savings account-$53,113.86, Berry Ridge parking fees-$7,307.36, Tax Account-$171,093.90 and Certificate of Deposit-$ 14,794.78, motion by Watson/Musiedlak to approve the report as presented. M/C. 




Proceeding with the Big Spring Dam project at this time is hinged on the approval of the plan submitted by MSA to the DNR and the Army Corp of Engineers.  Chairperson Julson expects this approval within the next week or so.  Discussion followed as to what kind of material the culvert should consist of.  Town Board members will be researching the pros and cons of aluminum or steel prior to the February meeting, and make a decision at that time.  Board members discussed breaking this project into phases rather than have one contractor doing the entire job, to try to save funds. 




A motion was made by Musiedlak/Watson to approve the “Blanket Highway” permit for Adams-Columbia Electric Co-op to use the town roads and right-of-ways to install or repair wires or lines. M/C.  Dumpsters will be removed from the Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park at 3863 Fifth Drive on April 1, 2009 due to another price increase as of January 1, 2009.  A garbage collection-site is already provided for all town residents on County Road G, and now  being larger would support the additional residents.  Motion by Musiedlak/Watson to have the Clerk  send a notice to the park owner and manager to this effect.  It will be the responsibility of the park owner or manager to inform the residents as to the change, unless the owner chooses to have the dumpsters remain there at his own expense.  Determining a Mobile Home Park license fee was tabled until the February meeting with a motion by Watson/Musiedlak.  M/C.


The current bills were read by the Town Clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Musiedlak/Watson.  M/C.  Motion by Watson/Musiedlak to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. Thursday, February 19, 2009.  M/C.




Respectfully submitted:


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk




(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 2/19/09)






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