AUGUST 10, 2009
A Special Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all Board members in attendance. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
First item on the agenda was a request for two (2) Variances for the Big Spring Congregational Church at 373 Golden Court to extend an addition to the existing building that would be within the setback from County Road G and also within the setback from the adjoining property line in the rear yard. Leo Musiedlak moved to permit the Variance at the Town level, seconded by Brad Seiler. M/C.
Second item on the agenda was a request for a Special Exception by Ron Luepke at 176 Grouse Court Pvt. Allowing him to construct a garage (16’x20’) on a lot that he owns across the road from his residence. Adams County Zoning Ordinance does not allow a secondary structure to be built on a parcel prior to a primary residence. Motion by Seiler/Musiedlakto approve the permit at the Town level. M/C.
Final agenda item was an application by Dan Goff/ Grothman & Associates of South Beach Retreat Condo development for a Special Exception to allow them to excavate more than 2,000 sq. ft. of dirt, to start developing the roadways within the project. The initial rezone of 17.1 acres from A-3 to R-1 was done in July 2004. Motion by Seiler/Musiedlak to permit the Special Exception at the local level with the Condition that the developer is to acknowledge to the municipality that all approvals and permits have been obtained prior to the start of the work. M/C.
Seiler moved at 7:45 p.m. to adjourn, seconded by Musiedlak. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 8/20/09.)