NOVEMBER 17, 2005
The public hearing was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Supervisor I, Myron Byers. All Town Board members were present except Town Chairperson, Robert Krause.
The proposed 2006 budget was read by the Town Clerk. Discussion followed and no changes were made to the original copy. Motion by Jim Beard/Myron Byers to adjourn the public hearing at 6:45 p.m. M/C.
The Special Town Meeting was called to order by Supervisor I, Myron Byers, motion by Joan Byers to approve the 2005 levy to be paid in 2006 of $103,014.00,
Second by Bob Donner. M/C. Motion to adopt the 2006 highway expenditure budget of $119,771.00 by Myron Byers/Jim Beard. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 6:55 p.m. by Myron Byers/Joan Byers. M/C.
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor I, Myron Byers. All Town Board members were present except the Town Chairperson, Robert Krause. Meeting was in compliance with the open meeting laws. Minutes of the October 20, 2005 town board meeting were read by the Town Clerk, motion to approve as read by Jim Beard/Myron Byers. M/C. Minutes of the November 2, 2005 Comprehensive Plan public hearing were also read and approved with a motion by Beard/Byers. M/C. The October financial report was presented by the Treasurer as follows: Now account (checking) balance as of October 31, 2005-$22,236.66, Money Market (reserve account)-$76,865.35 and Berry Ridge Parking Fees-$7,818.89. Motion to approve by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Motion to approve the 2006 budget was approved with a motion by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Neither Van Schoyck or Kessenich were present to discuss the New Haven Assessor’s plat special charges.
Road project on the corner of Fur Lane and County Road G, was tabled until the next board meeting with a motion from Byers/Beard. M/C.
Variance and special exception for Roger Lippett’s proposal at 4121 First Lane was tabled until the December 15, 2005 town board meeting with a motion from Byers/Beard. M/C.
Special exception for William Neuman at 222 Grouse Drive, was tabled with a motion from Beard/Byers until after an on-site viewing of the property which was scheduled for November 29, 2005 at 12:00 noon. The Lippett project mentioned above will also be viewed at this time, both property owners/representatives were present to acknowledge the date and time of meeting. M/C.
Chief Inspector of Elections training for November 28, 2005 at the courthouse and December 15, 2005, Wis-line at Portage, WI for three attendees was approved with a motion by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Audience comments: It was brought to the attention of the Town Board and citizens present that an Adult Oriented establishment is conducting business on Gillette Drive in an existing warehouse formerly used for recycling garbage. Adams County Planning & Zoning, Sheriff’s department and the town legal counsel have been notified.
Motion to pay the bills as presented with a motion by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Motion to adjourn at 8:15 p.m. until December 15, 2005 by Beard/Byers. M/C.
Respectfully submitted,
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes, subject to approval on December 15, 2005)