TB Meeting minutes 9/21/06



SEPTEMBER 21, 2006




The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by Supervisor I Myron Byers.  All town board members were present except the Chairperson.  The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Minutes of the August 17, 2006 monthly town board meeting were read by the clerk and approved with a motion from Jim Beard/Myron Byers.  M/C.  At this 7:18 p.m. the Chairperson joined the meeting.  The financial report was presented by the treasurer with the following balances as of August 31, 2006: NOW checking account:  $1,600.74, MM reserve savings account:  $72,910.61 and Berry Ridge parking fees: $8,119,98.  Motion to accept as presented by Byers/Beard.  M/C.





Requested rezone for Wendy Kingsley, property located at 476 Gillette Avenue from A-3 to R-2 was granted with a motion from Beard/Byers.  M/C.  Chairperson will meet with Scott Babcock at the Jungenberg property prior to the next meeting to discuss options as to the repairs of private property and the road right-of-way with the owners.  Property owners will be informed as to their financial responsibility and also what the township will assume to repair the ditches and drives to finally resolve this issue. This item will again be placed on the October 2006 agenda with a motion by Krause/Beard.  M/C.  The Dells/Delton EMS contract was again not signed as chairperson reported that chairpersons from surrounding townships were contemplating a joint meeting to discuss options.  This item will also be placed on the October 2006 monthly meeting agenda.  Town Clerk reminded the town board that several months ago after discussing options with Marquette Emergency coordinator, Tim Houselet, that a motion had been made and carried to use the Dells/Delton EMS services for one more year and then review options at that time.  Motion by Krause/Byers to temporarily rescind that  previous motion.  M/C.  Chairperson reported that Menard’s has stackable, vinyl padded chairs for $15.00 each.  Motion by Beard/Byers to have chairperson purchase one chair and bring it to the next meeting.  M/C.  Supervisor Byers had not been contacted by LaCar Builders as to prices for interior wall repairs and insulation.  He reports he will have options and numbers by October meeting.  Motion by Byers/Beard to have Steve White and sons double mow the roads as close to October 1, 2006 as possible.  M/C.





A letter was read from the town of Douglas, Marquette County pertaining to inspections and future repairs on the Lake Mason Dam.  After speaking with Jules Beghin, chairperson for Douglas township, he is not certain that New Haven will be responsible any part of these costs.  This item was tabled at the Douglas town board meeting until October 11, 2006 board meeting.  Mr. Beghin will let us know more after that time.  Motion by Byers/Beard to return the letter of support to Adams County Land & Water to apply for a grant to do a study of Adams County lakes for aquatic invasive species.  M/C.  Crack filling bid was awarded to TAZ crack-filling of Wilton, WI to do Fourth Drive between Gulch Road and State Hwy. 23 for $2,329.95 and Fifth Drive between Hwy 23 and Gulch Road for $2,682.75 with a motion by Byers/Beard.  M/C.  Motion by Byers/Beard to install “caution, intersection” signs to the north and south of Golden Avenue on Fifth Avenue.  M/C.  Chairperson discussed letters that had been sent to Adams County Land & Water from our town attorney Eric Pollex of LaRowe, Gerlach & Roy LLP requesting information on options for the road (Golden Court) over the Big Spring dam.  Motion by Jim Beard to retain the road over the Big Spring dam and spillway known as Golden Court, obtained by the Township through a deeded right-of-way.  We reaffirm our possessory interest in the proscribed use of the town road and are in opposition to its removal without a viable plan for its replacement or just compensation to the Township, and grants the town board to take appropriate legal action as necessary to protect the Town from being subjected to any expenses concerning these projects.  Second by Krause, all in favor.  M/C.  Chairperson has no snowplowing quotes at this date, will be placed on the October 2006 agenda.  Jim Beard will be attending the Adams County Municipal meeting in Adams on September 27, 2006 at 7:00 p.m.  Bills were read by the clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Beard/Byers.  Motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. until October 19, 2006 by Byers/Beard.  M/C.




Respectfully submitted;




Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk





(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on October 19, 2006.)






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