REGULAR MONTHLY TOWN BOARD MEETING is Thursday, July 20, 2006 at the Town Hall, 7:00 pm.
A) Call to order/Roll Call
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance w/open meeting law
D) June 15, 2006 minutes
E) Treasurer’s report for June 2006
F) Old Business:
1) Future of transfer-site building
2) Culvert & ditch work on 3rd Lane & 1st Lane
3) Proposed zoning maps for non-conforming parcels
4) “No Parking” signs on Golden Drive
G) New Business:
1) Adams County Hwy. Maintenance agreement
2) Rezone for Ken & Richard Huber -½ acre at 3874
Bldg. Lot w/house & machine shed from A-1 to A-3
3) Rezone for Charles & Norman Hill -5 ac parcel at 421
Gillette Ave. for 2ac to remain A-3 and 3 ac to R-1
4) Wendy Kingsley request for township participation
5) LP fuel-prepay contract
6) Certified Survey Map # 559, Lot 1 for Roger Lippitt
4121 First Ave.
H) Reports & forthcoming events / local & county
I) Audience comments
J) Payment of bills
K) Next meeting date
L) Adjournment
Posted: 7/17/06 (7/16 on website) Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk