Plan Commission
Pete Joslin, Chair 608-678-0014
Bob Krause, 608-981-2288
Myron Byers, 608-586-4833
Jason Lindner, 608-981-2657
Pat Coon
Bob Donner, Alternate 608-981-2471
Curt Van Schoyck, Alternate
Regular meetings are usually held the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm, if there are any items on the agenda.
Upcoming meetings.
Town of New Haven Emergency Planning Team
Chair - Mike Julson    
Supervisor - Brad Seiler   
Supervisor - Lenny Watson   
Clerk - Berniece Tangney 
Treasurer - Connie Crothers

The New Haven Plan Commission was established by ordinance as a requirement of Wisconsin's Comprehensive Planning statutes. 


Current responsibilities of the Plan Commission include development, review and modification of the New Haven Comprehensive Plan and related ordinances and review of zoning applications for recommendation to the Town Board.

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