Regular monthly Town Board meeting at the Town Hall,
330 Golden Court, December 21, 2006-7:00 p.m.
A) Call to order/Roll Call
B) Pledge of Allegiance
C) Compliance w/open meeting law-agenda approval
D) November 2006 minutes
E) Treasurer’s report for November 2006
F) Old Business:
1) Ambulance contracts
2) Fuel reimbursement for transfer-site attendant
G) New Business:
1) Adams Co. Hwy Commissioner/road maintenance
2) Operator’s License for Virginia Berres
3) Nomination of election officials for one year
4) Jason Lindner/cleaning of ditch at intersection
south of Glen Court & 3rd Avenue
5) Schedule time for Caucus & Audit of financial records
H) Reports & forthcoming events, local & county
I) Audience comments
J) Payment of bills
K) Next meeting date & adjournment
Posted: 12/18/06 Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas & A Happy and Blessed New Year. . .