AUGUST 18, 2005
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause, present were Robert Krause, Jim Beard, MaryLou Anderson, Berniece J. Tangney, with Myron Byers in absence. Meeting was in compliance with the open meeting laws.
Minutes of the July 21, 2005 monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved with a motion by Krause/Beard. M/C. Treasurer’s report with the following balances for July 31, 2005 are as follows: NOW account (checking): $3,172.78, Money Market account (reserve savings): $197,850.33 and Berry Ridge (mobile parking fees) balance: $5,474.22. Motion by Krause/Beard to accept the report as presented. M/C.
The potential new owners of Berry Ridge Mobile Park were not present to discuss the future of the dumpsters at the park. Mr. Schien stated to the Chairperson that the closing for the sale of the park has been delayed until August 30, 2005.
Motion by Krause/Beard to schedule the second reading at a public hearing for the Gentlemen’s Club Ordinance at 6:00 p.m. prior to the September 15, 2005 Town Board meeting. M/C.
The Robert Anderson property that was previously rezoned R-1 for 3.3 acres and A-3 for the remaining 35 acres was brought back to the Town Board. ACP& Z recommended that both parcels be zoned A-3. The recommendation was accepted with a motion by Krause/Beard. M/C.
The smoke-free resolution that the Clerk received from Adams County was in error, naming the wrong township, this item was returned to Kathy Mintori to be corrected and placed on the September agenda.
Dave Evert representing Harry Anderson, requested a special exception for a lot #45 of the Lake Mason Wonderland, to place a storage building on this parcel without a dwelling existing first. Motion by Krause/Beard to approve this request. M/C.
Hohl’s gas and farm supply of Baraboo, WI offered the Township a prepay contract for a minimum of 500 gallons of LP at the price of $1.39.9 per gallon. Mr. Beard thought that we could get a better price by checking other companies and also talking with Mr. Hohl. Motion by Beard/Krause to have Chairperson make some phone calls and go with the best price offered for 500 gallons. M/C.
Mark Knudson and Chris Murphy spoke as to options for the road over the dam on Golden Court just east of the Town Hall. The question remains at the present time as to whether there ever was an easement granted to the Township for the property that the road lies on over the dam, to this point none has been found attached with the deed. Mr. Murphy stated that according to the DNR the dam will be taken out, and to keep the road open it would take a bridge of a 100 foot to span the opening created by removal of the dam. He quoted an approximate cost of $315,000.00 for the bridge. No traffic count is available at this time for the counters that were placed on Golden Court and Golden Avenue in July. Mr. Murphy will be contacting the Adams County Highway Department for these results. The Chairperson requested that River Alliance and Mr. Murphy check into the availability of grants to help with the costs incurred with installing a bridge, if the decision was made to keep the road open, both parties agreed to do so and keep in contact.
Dennis Schmitz from the Town Hall improvement committee presented the bids that came in for the siding, septic, bathroom upstairs, pump room downstairs and the well. Chairperson Krause has talked to a company about window replacement and will also be talking to the contractor for the siding for prices on double-hung insulated windows. According to the lowest bids received the total project would cost between $19-20,000.00. Darrell Blomgren was contacted as to the scraping, repairing and painting of the ramp, steps and platform. He thought it would take him the better part of 2-3 days to complete the project at $11.00 per hour with the Township supplying the materials. Motion by Krause/Beard to proceed with these improvements. M/C.
Bills were read by the Town Clerk and approved for payment as presented with a motion by Krause/Beard. M/C. Motion at 8:20 p.m. by Beard/Krause to adjourn until September 15, 2005.
Respectfully submitted,
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on September 15, 2005)