2012 Proposed Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting of the Electors &
THURSDAY, November 17, 2011-6:30 P.M.
The 2012 Proposed Budget Hearing was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson. The Town Clerk read the 2012 Budget Revenues & Expenditures with a balanced budget total of $234,232.00, an overall 6.87 % decrease from the 2010 budget. There being no questions or comments from electors in attendance the Proposed Budget Hearing was adjourned. At 6:40 p.m. the Special Town Meeting of the Electors was called to order by Chairperson Julson for the following purposes: 1) To adopt the 2011 Town Levy to be paid in 2012 pursuant to Sec. 60.10 (1) (a) Wis. Stats. The proposed Town Levy of $119,272 was approved with a motion from Ken Crothers, seconded by Pete Joslin. M/C. A proposed $113,007 Hwy. Expenditure budget was also passed with a motion from Ken Crothers/Pete Joslin. M/C. This meeting was motioned to adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by Lenny Watson/Brad Seiler. M/C.
The Regular Monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson with all Town Board members present. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. This meeting was properly noticed and a motion was made by Lenny Watson/Brad Seiler to accept the agenda as printed for this meeting. M/C. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board meeting of October 20, 2011 were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion from Seiler/Watson. M/C. The financial report as of October 31, 2011 was read by the Town Treasurer with the following balances: NOW checking account: $1,313.04 , Berry Ridge Parking Fees: $8,047.36, Money Market: $16,422.35, Tax Collections account-Closed and CD: $19,431.14, approved by Watson/Seiler. M/C.
Old Business:
No Old Business conducted.
New Business:
A rezone request by Roland Garlock for 3.53 acres remaining in his possession after the sale of other lands off the same parcel from A1-15 to R1-LL along First Lane was approved by a motion from Seiler/Watson. M/C. The Conditional Use Permit applied for by Dale & Carol Haddon for short term rentals on property located at 562 Golden Avenue was tabled and will be placed on the December 15, 2011 Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting agenda with a motion from Watson/Julson. M/C. Seiler goes on record at this time as opposing this Conditional Use Permit. The Town Board feels presently they have not had a recommendation from the Plan Commission (Haddons were not present at the Plan Commission meeting of November 14, 2011) and adequate time to consider the request before possibly placing Conditions on the Permit and forwarding it to Adams Co. Planning & Zoning for consideration. Adjacent property owners voiced their concerns pertaining to what good placing the Conditions on the permit are? The real issue is who and how are they going to be enforced when the owner of the property lives out of state and the caretaker is not always available to respond to complaints. Attorney Wood commented that the Town’s options would be very limited as to enforcement, it would be up to Adams County as the Town is under County Zoning. The Haddon’s reported that they have been operating this short-term rental as Haddon Hollow for approximately thirteen (13) years. The Town Board considered CSM #5552 for Jason Lindner purchasing 53.59 acres of a parcel from Dan Gannon along County Road P, and CSM #5551 combining acreage of parcels #22-192, 22-194-10 & 22-196-10 for a total of over 35 acres, both CSM’s were approved with a motion by Seiler/Watson . M/C. A request by Curt VanSchoyck for a Conditional Use Permit to operate short term rentals at 164 State Road was also tabled until the December 15, 2011 regular Monthly Town Board meeting by Watson/Seiler. M/C. The 2012 Proposed Budget was adopted with a motion by Seiler/Watson. M/C. Seiler moved to approve the expenditures as presented, second by Watson. M/C.
This meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. until December 15, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. with a motion by Watson/Seiler. M/C. NOTE: The next Plan Commission meeting will be held on Monday, December 12, 2011-6:30 p.m. at the Town Hall.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on December 15, 2011.)