TB minutes 11-20-08




NOVEMBER 20, 2008-6:30 P.M.

The proposed Budget Hearing was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, the Town Clerk presented the Proposed 2009 Budget in detail and summary.  At approximately 6:45 p.m. the Special Town Meeting of the Electors was called to order by Chairperson Mike Julson, with 5 people and the newspaper reporter in attendance.  A motion was made by Cheryl Coon to adopt the 2008 Town Levy of $111,532 to be paid in 2009, a second to that motion by Bob Donner.  M/C.  A motion by Bob Donner/Pat Coon to approve the 2009 highway expenditures.  M/C.  A motion by Town Board member Leo Musiedlak / Lenny Watson- Supervisor  to approve the remaining 2009 proposed budget and adjourn the Special Town Meeting. M/C.


The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present, and the meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law.  Motion by Lenny Watson/Leo Musiedlak to approve the agenda as prepared.  M/C.  Minutes of the October 16, monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Clerk and approved by Watson/Musiedlak.  M/C.  Financial report was read by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of October 31, 2008:  NOW checking account-$4,114.25, M/M savings account-$64,959.15, Berry Ridge Parking Fees-$6027.32, and CD-$14,693.89, motion to accept by Watson/Musiedlak.  M/C. 


Old Business:

The rezone for Curtis Vanderbilt at 3615 2nd Court for 8 acres of a 43 acre parcel from A1-35 to A3 was recommended for approval by the Plan Commission members, therefore a motion was made by Watson/Musiedlak to follow the recommendation and approve the rezone.  M/C.  There has been no contact back from possible sign-makers for the new sign at the transfer-site.  Town Board members stated that the post/posts should be put in the ground now before the frost sets in, and also the eastside fence still needs repair.


New Business:

The 2008/2009 snow removal contract was reviewed from the Adams County Highway Department with the following hourly rates: 6 Cubic Yard Truck/ Labor and Machine is $99.01/hr, Grader/Labor and Machine is $102.77/hr.  After discussion of the contract a motion was made by Musiedlak/Watson to accept it.  M/C.

Rural Mutual insurance representative Roger Wolff reviewed the present policies held by the Township.  Motion by Musiedlak/Watson to increase the personal property inside the Town Hall from $3,000 to $6,000 for an additional annual premium of $11.00. M/C.  An “ Encroachment Order of Removal “ of debris from the town road right-of-way at 321 Golden Court was discussed and signed with a motion by Musiedlak/Watson. M/C. Mr. Knutson has been verbally requested repeatedly to remove this material with no results.  This Order, prepared by the Town’s legal counsel will give Mr. Knutson 30 days to remove the materials, prior to the Town having it removed at the owner’s expense which could also result in daily forfeitures.  Discussion/possible action of a building for the transfer-site attendant will be placed on the December 2008 agenda..  Motion by Musiedlak/Watson to approve the payment of the current bills.  M/C.  Motion by Watson/Musiedlak to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. until December 18, 2008. M/C.



Respectfully submitted:


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk


(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 12/18/08.)








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