To apply for a driveway permit:
If driveway is on a town road:
1. Read the New Haven Driveway Ordinance.
2. Contact Town Clerk Berniece Tangney at 608-253-3771 for an application.
3. Contact Town Board Chair Mike Julson at 608-981-2140 to make arrangements for an inspection of the site.
If drivway is on a county road go to the Adams County website, Highway Dept. driveway permit application and ordinance:
To apply for a rezone, variance, special exception permit, etc
1. Contact the Adams County Planning and Zoning Dept at:
Adams County Courthouse
Planning and Zoning Dept.
P.O. Box 187
Friendship, WI 53934
(608) 339-4222
Fax: (608) 339-4504
Fees, forms and information can be found on the Planning and Zoning portion of the Adams County website.
2. In most cases the next step is to contact the New Haven Town Clerk at 608-253-3771 and request to be placed on the agendas for both a Town Plan Commission meeting and Town Board at least 7 days before the meetings are scheduled. The Plan Commission and Town Board will require copies of all application forms required by the county, 6 copies for the Plan Commission and 4 copies for the Town Board. Here is a New Haven Plan Commission Application Information handout that should be reviewed before proceeding.
3. Before proceeding, it would be in the applicant's interest to read and become farmiliar with the Adams County Zoning Ordinance and the New Haven Comprehensive Plan and also to meet informally with a member of the Plan Commission to discuss the application.