TB minutes 7/19/07




JULY 19, 2007


The 2007 Board of Review was called back into session at 6:45 p.m. to allow Wagon Wheel Campground time to file a corrected deed with the State.  Mr. Weidling chose not to appear, therefore after roll call the Board of Review was adjourned a final time for 2007 at 6:50 p.m. with a motion by Jim Beard/Mike Julson.  M/C.


At 7:00 p.m. the regular monthly town board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present.  The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law, and the agenda was approved as prepared with a motion by Jim Beard/Lenny Watson.  M/C.  Minutes of the board of review and the regular monthly town board meeting of June 21, 2007 were read by the clerk and approved as presented with a motion by Beard/Watson.  M/C.  The treasurer’s report had the following balances as of June 30, 2007:  NOW checking account-$4,435.87, Money Market savings-$15,274.60, Berry Ridge parking fees-$4,095.91 and Certificate of Deposit-$16,045.44, motion to approve by Watson/Beard.  M/C.


Old Business:

Town Attorney Pollex advised the town board that one petitioner  has requested to be removed from the petition requesting the town to discontinue the road (Golden Ct.) over the Big Spring Dam that was originally signed by six (6) free-holders of the township and delivered to the town board on May 19, 2007.  Mr. Pollex advised the town board that no action taken on the petition in 90 days deems a denial and would lead to an appeal process.  At the advice of Mr. Pollex a motion was made by Beard/Watson to schedule a Special Town Board meeting on July 30, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. and to go into “closed session” to pursue legal counsel on the road discontinuation and dam removal,  also review procedures and policies of alcoholic beverage applications due to threatened litigation will be on the agenda.  Decisions on these agenda items will be made at the regular monthly town board meeting of August 16, 2007. 


New Business:

Options for an identification process at the transfer-site were discussed, no decisions were made at this time.  The transfer-site attendant brought it to the attention of the town board that there are still some persons not complying with the recycling process.  The clerk was instructed to send a letter of non-compliance to the parties.  The town board will request a representative from Adams County Solid Waste to be present to answer questions possibly at the August town board meeting.  Two town board members will be attending the meeting with the Highway Commission on August 1, 2007 in Adams, WI.  The August agenda will include discussion/possible action on changing the hours at the transfer-site with a motion by Watson/Beard.  M/C.    Bills to be paid were read by the clerk and approved with a motion by Watson/Beard.  M/C.  Motion to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. by Beard/Watson until July 30, 2007. M/C.


Respectfully submitted;


Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk

(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on August 16, 2007)






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