TB agenda 5-21-09




Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting

Thursday, May , 2009 - 7:00 p.m.

Town Hall - 330 Golden Court








A)  Call to order/ roll call

B)  Pledge of Allegiance

C)  Agenda approval/ open meeting law compliance

D)  Meeting minutes

E)  Financial report for April 2009

F)  Old Business:

    1)  Discussion/possible action on signage for Golden Ave. & 3rd Ave. intersection

    2) Approval by Town Board for Legal Counsel to review “Subdivision/Land

        Division” ordinance


G) New Business:

    1)  Divine Savior EMS Director, Cathy Etter

    2)  Discuss/possible action on bids/quotes for roadside mowing

    3)  Application for Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park license

    4)  Approval by Town Board for increase in poll worker wages voted on

        by electors at the Annual Town Meeting


H)  Reports & forthcoming events, local & county

I)  Public Input (no action can be taken by the town board at this time)

J)  Payment of bills

K)  Next meeting date/adjournment




Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk


Posted:  May 19, 2009





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