JUNE 21, 2007
The 2007 Board of Review was called back into session at 6:45 p.m. to hear additional testimony by Stanley Weidling of Wagon Wheel Campground, the assessor advised Mr Weidling that there couldn’t be any changes to his assessed value until he files a corrected deed with the State. Motion by Watson/Beard to adjourn until 6:45 p.m. on July 19, 2007 to allow time for the property owner to attempt to file a corrected deed. M/C.
At 7:00 p.m. the regular monthly town board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were present except the treasurer. The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Motion by Jim Beard/LennyWatson to approve the agenda as prepared. M/C. Minutes of the May 17, 2007 regular monthly town board meeting were read by the town clerk and approved with a motion by Beard/Watson. M/C. The clerk also read the minutes of the special town board meeting of May 20, 2007 and stand approved with a motion by Watson/Beard. M/C. In the absence of the treasurer the clerk read the financial report for May 2007 with the following balances as of May 31, 2007: Now checking account-$2,654.53, M/M savings account-$92,061.20, Berry Ridge parking fees:-$3,286.66 and Certificate of Deposit-$15,898.10. Motion to approve as presented by Watson/Beard. M/C.
An original application for a Class “B” beer license was submitted by Kisha Walters of the Antiques & Lace Inn, B&B. Ms. Walters was represented by her attorney Natalie Bussan of Cross, Jenks, Mercer & Maffei in Baraboo. Ms. Walters purchased the B&B in the spring of 2006. Parking, police protection, roadside beer signs and traffic situations were discussed. Pictures of the parking area available at the site were produced for the board’s observation. A suggestion by the town board to Ms. Walters to maybe obtain a temporary “picnic license” just the day of each event/reception. Ms. Bussan advised the board that was not what they were applying for and having to file for a license prior to each event was not acceptable. Motion by Beard/Watson to deny the application. M/C. The town clerk was instructed to send a letter stating the reasons for denial to the applicant/owner.
Mr. Gaydos of 590 County Road P application for a conditional use permit to construct a public building and process fruit into wine, distribute, sample and sell wine for assumption off the premises at a hobby level of approximately 5,000 gallons per year was granted with motion by Watson/Beard. Mr. Gaydos and son-in-law Richard Baker understand there are state and federal permits that will have to be applied for additionally in conjunction with the township. M/C.
Clayton Sengbusch the present assessor offered his services for the 2008 assessment for the same price as this year at $5,500. Motion to accept his contract by Watson/Beard. M/C. Alcoholic beverage renewal applications along with operators and cigarette applications for Lake Mason Campground, Wagon Wheel Campground, The Cove and Club 23 were approved with a motion by Beard/Watson. M/C. Prices from Davis Construction and Gasser Construction were submitted for the parking lot at the town hall. Motion by Beard/Watson to accept the price from Gasser Construction of $5,716.00 for sod to be removed, fabric installed and 6” of limestone applied. This price also includes 109 feet of silt fence needed around the banks above the creek. The board also requested Gasser Construction to purchase and place concrete bumper strips around the edges of the drop-off at an additional cost. M/C. The application for the Berry Ridge Mobile Home Park at 3863 Fifth Drive by Aaron Lebovic of Fast Property Solutions, Inc. was approved for another year with a motion by Watson/Beard. M/C. The clerk and chairperson will be attending a training seminar on legal issues, litigations, subdivision ordinances and comprehensive land plans at Juneau, WI on July 24, 2007 at a cost of $35.00 ea. Motion to approve this expense by Beard/Watson. M/C. There was discussion of procedures for identifying town residents and land owners entering the transfer-site. This item will be placed on the July agenda. The current bills were read by the clerk and accepted for payment with a motion by Beard/Watson. M/C. Motion by Watson/Beard to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. until July 19, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. with board of review to reconvene at 6:45 p.m. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on July 19, 2007)