DECEMBER 18, 2008
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, with all Town Board members present. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Motion by Lenny Watson/Leo Musiedlak to approve the agenda as posted for the meeting. M/C. Minutes of the November 20, 2008 Proposed Budget Hearing, Special Town Meeting and the regular monthly Town Board meeting were read by the Town Clerk and approved as read by Watson/Musiedlak. M/C. Financial report was read by the Town Treasurer with the following balances as of November 30, 2008: NOW checking account-$6,980.95, M/M savings account-$86,036.78, Berry Ridge parking fees-$6,658.25 and Certificate of Deposit-$ 14,693.89, motion by Watson/Musiedlak to approve the report as presented. M/C.
Musiedlak had received several prices for the informational sign to be placed at the transfer site from Brandt Sign Co, Lake Delton and Adams County Highway Dept. Brandt’s sign would be 4’x8’ on ½ inch signboard for $330, and Adams County’s would be 4’x8’ on 5/8” signboard for $240. Motion by Watson/Musiedlak to have Adams County make the sign and deliver it to the Clerk’s office. M/C. Musiedlak also received a price from Mike Gaffney for a 4’x6’ insulated building with two windows for the transfer site attendant to warm up in, for a price of $500, or a 4’x8’ version for $800, motion by Watson/Musiedlak to order a 4’x6’ building. M/C. Watson states he has the posts for the sign, Chairperson will check out a heating system for the building and Musiedlak will order the building.
Two rezone requests by Arthur Jungenberg Jr. to rezone a 31 acre parcel in Section 3 from A1-35 to A3 and to combine the remainder of the parcel with an adjacent A1-35 parcel he also owns, which is described on the proposed CSM as Lot 2, also a 14.86 acre parcel located in Section 3 from A1-35 to A3 and combine the remainder of the parcel with an adjacent A1-35 parcel he owns too, described as Lot 4 on the proposed CSM, the CSM will include the following Restrictive Covenant:
In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the Town of New Haven and to comply with the provisions of the Town of New Haven Comprehensive Plan, Lot 2 and Lot 4 of this Certified Survey Map shall not be further divided into smaller parcels without the express written consent of the New Haven Town Board. This restrictive covenant is binding on the owner, the owner’s successors and assigns in perpetuity and its provisions run with the land. This Covenant may be enforced by the Town of New Haven.
In conjunction with the New Haven Plan Commission’s recommendation for approval, the Town Board moved to also approve the rezone by Watson/Musiedlak. M/C.
The current bills were read by the Town Clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Musiedlak/Watson. M/C. Motion by Watson/Musiedlak to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Thursday, January 15, 2009 with the Caucus being held prior to the 7:00 p.m. regular monthly Town Board meeting. M/C.
Respectfully submitted:
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 1/15/09)