THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2011-7:00 p.m.
The Regular Monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson with all Town Board members present. Pledge of Allegiance was recited. This meeting was properly noticed and a motion was made by Brad Seiler/Lenny Watson to accept the agenda as printed for this meeting. M/C. Minutes of the Regular Monthly Town Board meeting of November 17, 2011 were read by the Town Clerk and approved with a motion from Seiler/Watson. M/C. The financial report as of November30, 2011 was read by the Town Treasurer with the following balances: NOW checking account: $14,894.49, Berry Ridge Parking Fees: $8,858.87, Money Market: $13,523.60, Tax Collections account-Closed and CD: $19,431.14, approved by Watson/ Seiler. M/C.
The Conditional Use Permit applications by Dale & Carol Haddon, 562 Golden Ct. and Curt Van Schoyck, 164 State Road 23, that were tabled from the November regular monthly town board meeting were reconsidered. Chairperson Julson asked the public in attendance what the general feelings were about this type of operation in the municipality. Pete Joslin, Chairperson of the Plan Commission mentioned that they had unanimously voted to recommend approval of the conditional use permit to the town board at their meeting of Monday, December 12, 2011. There were no comments spoken in favor of either of the short term rentals at this time of discussion. Again, enforcement was the greatest concern and that the Haddon rentals started out on a small level 13 years ago, but now has escalated to a much larger business and more issues for the neighbors, that is why they are finally now making their complaints public. Some of the neighbors have been residents of New Haven for four generations and never requested any special attention in any matter prior to this. Haddons stated they have attempted to install a fence & no trespassing signs, posted rules in the houses, are up to date with inspections and have obtained another caretaker if there are complaints. Public safety has to be of utmost concern to the town board and the neighbors are feeling violated with noise, trespassing, littering and vast amounts of people wandering in the quiet rural area. Motion by Julson/Watson to bring the Haddon Conditional Use Permit application to a vote. M/C. The recommendation of the Haddon Conditional Use Permit application was objected to and will not have the town’s recommendation for approval when it goes to Adams County Planning & Zoning, with a motion made by Seiler/Watson. M/C. After a short discussion pertaining to the possibility of the same issues as the existing short term rental in the municipality, the Van Schoyck application for a Conditional Use Permit was also objected to by the town board and will not be recommended to Adams County Planning & Zoning for approval with a motion by Seiler/Watson. M/C.
The following persons were nominated for a two year term as election officials by Chairperson Julson: Chief Inspectors- Betty Licitar, Anna Davis, Grace Schmitz & Michele Hammerly & election officials as follows: Dennis Schmitz, Jay Hammerly, Jan Luepke & Karen Lentz, second to this motion of nomination by Seiler. M/C. A Blanket Highway Permit was approved for Adams-Columbia Electric Cooperative to allow them to work along town roads if needed with a motion by Seiler/Watson. M/C.
Plan Commission members have been volunteering their time again during the past year. A motion made by Seiler/Watson to allow some compensation in appreciation for their time and expenses incurred, Chairperson Joslin will receive $750, and Krause, Lindner, Bloss, Byers and alternate Donner will be receiving $200. M/C. Glenn Licitar, Adams County Board representative mentioned that Matt Bremmer formerly of Adams County Land & Water will be transferring over to the Planning & Zoning Dept. The vouchers for payment were read by the Clerk and approved by Seiler/Watson. M/C. Motion by Seiler/Watson at 8:15 p.m. to adjourn until January 19, 2012. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on January 19, 2012.)