1/18/07 Caucus minutes



JANUARY 18, 2007



Caucus was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Krause,  Ken Crothers was chosen as presiding officer of  the caucus with a motion by Ken Huber/Dave Krause.  M/C.  Crothers appointed Jason Musiedlak and Adam Watson as tellers in the event that more than two candidates were nominated which would require a vote of the eligible electors present.  Nominees to be placed on the April 3, 2007 ballot are as follows:



CHAIRPERSON NOMINATIONS:  Robert Krause, motions by Dave Krause/Charlie Newling, Mike Julson, motions by Ed Coon/Bonnie Petersen, Mark Hamburg motions by Matt Hamburg/Debbie Hamburg, Brad Seiler motions by Ken Huber/Dick Huber.

Krause-25/Julson-27/Mark Hamburg-11/Brad Seiler-8.


SUPERVISOR I NOMINATIONS:  Lenny Watson, motions by Adam Watson/Dan Demming, Myron Byers, motions by Dan Bailey/William Gaydos, Brad Seiler, motions by Melvin Kingsley/Bill Thomm. Watson-26/Myron Byers-33/Brad Seiler-11.


SUPERVISOR II NOMINATIONS:  Brad Seiler, motions by Melvin Kingsley/Anna Davis, Leo Musiedlak, Joan Byers/David Krause, Jim Beard, motions by Ken Huber/Ed Coon.  Seiler-10/Musiedlak-13/Beard-37.


TOWN CLERK NOMINATIONS:  Berniece J. Tangney, motions by Joan Byers, Bob Krause.


TREASURER NOMINATIONS:  Carla Jermier,motions by Anna Davis/Marie Kingsley, Mary Lou Wampler-Anderson, motions by Conny Crothers/Bonnie Petersen.



Motion to adjourn the caucus at 7:15 p.m. by Tory Wolfram/Dave Krause.  M/C.





Respectfully submitted;



Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk                                       






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