TB Minutes 10-20-05



OCTOBER 20, 2005


The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause, with all Board members present.  Meeting was in compliance with the open meeting laws.


Minutes of the regular monthly Town Board meeting of September 15, 2005  were read by the Clerk and approved with a motion by Jim Beard/Myron Byers.  M/C.  Minutes of the special Town Board meeting of September 24, 2005 were read by the Clerk and approved with a motion by Byers/Beard.  M/C.


Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented with the following balances of September 30, 2005:  NOW account (checking) $2,604.88, Money Market account (savings) $116,602.52 and Berry Ridge Mobile parking fees account: $ 7,070.98, with a motion by Beard/Byers.  M/C.


Motion by Beard/Byers to completely replace existing basement windows and wrap the window sills and casings in aluminum, the Town Board felt that as long as we were in the process of fixing up the existing building, it should be done properly.

M/C.  Robert Krause was approved to attend the November 3, 2005 winter road maintenance seminar in Tomah with a motion by Byers/Beard.  M/C.


The rates for man/machine for the 2005-2006 winter contract were accepted with Adams County Highway Department and the Township will be ordering 400 tons of sand/salt mix through them also, motion to approve by Beard/Byers.  M/C.


An Municipal Emergency Government plan will be written up with the help of volunteer counsel Kristine Leverich who is the Emergency Government director for Marquette County, but lives in Adams County and can use this experience towards her master’s degree.  Motion by Byers/Beard to have Ms. Leverich  meet with us at her convenience to start this process.  M/C.


A quote of $65.00 an hour to plow the town hall and transfer-site areas was submitted by Tom Evans, the minimum charge would be $25.00 and $1.00 per minute, if the job takes less than one hour.  He also quoted $10.00 an hour to shovel and clean off the steps and ramp.  Motion by Beard/Byers to accept quote.  M/C.


The budget preparation date was set for Monday, October 24, 2005 at the Town Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m.  A letter from the Dells-Delton ambulance service asking for a volunteer increase in the per-capita fees from $15.00 to $25.00 for the 2006 year was received, a motion by Beard/Byers to deny this increase for the reason that we are still under contract with them for one more year at the $15.00 rate and isn’t in our budget at this time, it would be a voluntary increase of almost $7,000.00, Clerk will send a cover letter explaining the Township’s reasoning for the denial. M/C.  The bills were read by the Clerk, motion by Beard/Byers to pay as presented.  M/C. 


A motion to adjourn at 8:10 p.m. until November 17, 2005 was made by Beard/Byers.  M/C.



Respectfully submitted,





          Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk



(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on October 20, 2005)








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