Town of New Haven, Adams County
Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting
February 21,2008
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Mike Julson, all board members were in attendance except Jim Beard. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law, motion was made by Lenny Watson to accept the agenda as presented, second by Mike Julson. M/C. Minutes of the January 17, 2008 regular monthly town board meeting were read by the town clerk and accepted as read with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. The treasurer’s report was given with the following balances as of January 31, 2008: NOW account -$675.88, Tax collections account-$324,244.05, M/M account-$39.40, Berry Ridge parking fees-$8,452.69 and the Certificate of Deposit-$9,437.21, motion by Watson/Julson to approve this report. M/C.
Old Business:
MSA engineer Greg Montgomery presented the town board with a professional services agreement for them to consider between MSA professional services and the township for final design and construction of the Golden Court Crossing at Big Spring Creek. Approximate start date: (weather permitting) March 10, 2008 and approximate completion date of November 21, 2008. The final design and construction services will include data collection, design, project administration, bidding and construction. Other projects that are not included in this contract that may be needed could possibly be a new flood map upstream of Golden Court, obtainment of permanent blanket easements from the landowners adjacent to the creek crossing for construction and maintenance of the culvert.
The dam’s owner, his consultants, or his contractors will be performing all work required to design and complete the removal of the existing concrete dam spillway and restoration of the streambed of Big Spring Creek. The dam’s owner will determine if there are endangered species that would be affected by this project. Estimated project costs associated with this project are culvert installation-$51,760.00, replacement of roadway, shoulders, signs and steel plate beam guard with anchors-$24,420.00, restoration of embankment and riprap-$23,275.00, engineering-$24,840.00, contingencies-$5,000.00 for a total project cost of $129,295.00. Additional engineering work for FEMA modeling and fees (if needed) could cost an additional $20,000. Motion to approve this agreement contingent upon funding and available grants was made by Watson/Julson. M/C. An agreement will be needed between the landowner and township as to the details of the project.
New Business:
Variance request for Craig Jeske to install a proposed non-typical/experimental mound soil absorption system at 138 Golden Drive was tabled with a motion from Watson/Julson until the March regular monthly town board meeting as the applicant was not present. M/C.
The request for three (3) variances for property located at 180 State Road 23 owned by Michael and Barbara Oryhan, Bret & Jamie Thibodeaux acting agents and potential property buyers of the property (Tracy Hellenbrand representing the Thibodeaux’s as their lawyer was present) to allow a reduction in the 75’ set back from the ordinary highwater mark, a reduction in the 30’ setback from the public access easement, and a reduction in the 10,000 sq. ft. minimum lot size, for a .2 acre (8700 sq. ft.) lot on the south shore of Lake Mason. Motion by Watson/Julson to allow a setback from the highwater mark of 55 feet, a setback from the public access easement of 15 feet and a reduction in the minimum lot size to 8700 sq. ft., that the total building area should not exceed 20% of the lot area, and that these limited variance approvals are contingent on the applicant getting an approved sanitary permit from Adams County within 90 days. M/C.
Laura Ahola EMS director from Divine Savior and two paramedics brought an ambulance out to the town hall and discussed updates between the municipality, Adams and Columbia Counties concerning 911 calls being dispatched. Since December the time frame from the time dispatch is notified and the EMS is notified of call has been reduced from 4 minutes to an average of 1.3 minutes. From March 2007 until December 2007 the township has had 19 emergency calls, 6 of those were transported to Divine Savior, 5 to St. Clare’s, 8 needed no transport. Average response time, 17.8 min., shortest response time 12 min., and longest response time was 28 minutes due to weather conditions.
Bills due for payment were read by the clerk and approved with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. until March 20, 2008 by Watson/Julson. M/C.
Respectfully submitted:
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 3/20/08)