TB Agenda 9/20/07




Regular monthly town board meeting, September 20, 2007 at the town hall, 7:00 p.m. 330 Golden Court, prior to this meeting the board members will be interviewing potential town attorneys at 6:00 p.m.




A)  Call to order/Roll Call

B)  Pledge of Allegiance

C)  Compliance w/open meeting law-agenda approval

D)  August 2007 minutes

E)  Treasurer’s report for August 2007


F)  Old Business:

      1) Hours of operation at transfer-site

      2) Discuss/ potential action on petition for road

          discontinuance of Golden Court over dam


G)  New Business:

      1)  Representative from Adams Co. Solid Waste,

            information and questions from residents

      2)  Patrick Gatterman- Adams Co. Land & Water

            Conservation/ storm water run-off ordinance

      3)  2007-2008 salt & sand contract w/ Adams Co.

      4)  Plowing & shoveling of town hall & transfer-site

      5)  Set the date for 2008 budget preparation mtg.

      6)  Resolution for Plan Commission to review and make

            recommendations to the town board for rezones,


      7)  Establish advisory committee for dam removal &

            Golden Ct. discontinuance

      8)  October 12th road maintenance seminar at


            Rustic Ridge

      9)  Painting of interior walls of north entrance to hall


    10)  Appointment of volunteer municipal coordinator to

          assist Adams county with gypsy moth program

    11)  Mandatory election training for municipal clerk &

          chief inspectors




H)  Reports & forthcoming events, local & county

I)    Public input

J)  Payment of bills

K)  Next meeting date & adjournment


Posted: 9/17/07        Berniece J. Tangney, Clerk



Reminders:  ENERGY ASSISTANCE program at the town hall on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 from 10:00 a.m. -2:00 p.m.  PLAN COMMISSION will meet on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 -7:00 p.m. at the town hall, public is invited.




















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