February15, 2007
Due to interior remodeling of the town hall the monthly town board meeting was called to order at the town hall and immediately adjourned to the Big Spring Church dining hall.
The regular monthly Town Board meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairperson Robert Krause, with all town board members in attendance. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. The meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law. Motion by Myron Byers/Jim Beard to approve the content of the agenda. M/C.
The Town Clerk read the minutes from the regular monthly Town Board meeting and caucus of January 18, 2007 and were approved with a motion made by Beard/Byers. M/C.
The Treasurer’s report was given with the following balances: NOW checking account: $11,210.39, Money Market savings: $50,897.58, and Berry Ridge Parking fees: $1,007.05, present balance in the Tax Account is $280,328.94. Motion by Beard/Byers to accept as presented. M/C.
Discussion was held on the contracts for ambulance service from Dells/Delton and Divine Savior. Motion by Beard/Byers to accept a three (3) year contract with Divine Savior. Agreement is on file in the clerk’s office for public review. Scott Hewitt represented Dan Goff owner of the South Shore Beach Retreat condo development to update the town board on the project which has been down-sized and roads that will accommodate emergency vehicles.
Motion by Byers/Beard to approve a rezone request for Marsha Johnsen/Jeff Thompson for five (5) acres of a 21.698 parcel to be rezoned from AG-15 to AG3 at 540 Gulch Avenue. M/C. A class “B” beer license for the Antiques and Lace B& B on County Road P was tabled until the March monthly meeting, so the board members could obtain more information. Motion to table granting license by Beard/Byers. M/C. Motion by Byers/Beard to reduce the election poll-workers to three (3) for the February 20, 2007 primary. M/C. Several town board members will be attending seminars in Wisconsin Dells on February 24 and March 12, 2007 in Tomah. Paul Armson informed the town board that he has been collecting signatures on a petition that states the signers opposition to the dam removal and road closure on Golden Court, when he is done he will present them to the town board to be forwarded onto the DNR.
It was brought to the attention of the town board during audience comments that there should be a ban on cell phone usage during the town board meetings. Board members will discuss options at the March 2007 meeting.
The bills were read by the town clerk and accepted for payment with a motion from Beard/Byers. M/C. Motion by Byers/Beard to adjourn at 8:20 p.m. until March 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(these are unapproved minutes subject to approval on 3/15/07)