NOVEMBER 15, 2007 -7:00 P.M.
The proposed budget hearing was called into session by Chairperson Mike Julson at 7:00 p.m. The town clerk read the 2008 proposed budget expenses in detail totaling $222,867.00 and 2008 proposed budget revenues totaling $222,867.00. The proposed local property tax levy will be $109,348 a 3.86% increase from 2007. Motion to adjourn the budget hearing by Myron Byers/Jay Hammerly. M/C.
Special town meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Julson, a motion to adopt the 2007 town tax levy to be paid in 2008 was made by Jay Hammerly/Linda Wencka. M/C. Motion to approve the year 2008 highway expenditures of $133,067.00 was made by Myron Byers/Linda Wencka. M/C. Discussion followed on a resolution authorizing town supervisors to receive an hourly wage above their meeting per diems. It was suggested by Ken Huber to leave it up to the board members discretion as what to charge for their labor and equipment for other than meetings. A motion by Mark Knutson/Anna Davis to increase the transfer-site attendants wages from $11.00 per hour to $15.00 p/hr. M/C. This will also be placed on the December monthly town board meeting agenda for discussion/possible action as to when this increase will take effect. Motion to adjourn the special town meeting by Myron Byers/Jay Hammerly. M/C.
The regular monthly town board meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Julson with all board members present except Jim Beard. This meeting was in compliance with the open meeting law and the pledge allegiance was recited. Motion to approve the agenda as prepared by Lenny Watson/Mike Julson. M/C. Minutes of the October 18, 2007 regular monthly town board meeting and the Special town board meeting of November 9, 2007 were read by the clerk and both approved as written with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. The treasurer’s report was read by the treasurer with the following balances for October 31, 2007: NOW checking account-$159.54, Money Market savings-$25,582.27, Berry Ridge parking fees-$7,090.05 and the Certificate of deposit-$9,346.02. Motion to approve the financial report as presented by Watson/Julson. M/C.
Adams County Land and Water conservationist Chris Murphy expressed the urgency that something occur by November 30, 2007 such as a “memo of understanding” between dam owner and the municipality be signed. After another conversation with Inter-fluve Mr. Murphy informed the town board that Golden Court may have to be closed for a maximum of four months perhaps to begin in July 2008 and end in October to avoid spring run-off. The culvert size and installation would then be determined and installed in October. These time-frames will be subject to change on one end or the other. Cost issues depend upon the type of structure to be installed. If private engineering is needed it would be hired at the town’s expense, there has been no engineering firm hired at this time. Another Special town board meeting was requested for November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. by a motion from Watson/Julson. M/C. It was determined at this time that an advisory committee for the dam abandonment, Golden Court removal and stream restoration was not necessary. The Plan Commission could always serve in an advisory capacity if needed in the future.
A motion by Watson/Julson to adopt the 2008 proposed budget. M/C. Roger Wolff an insurance agent for Rural Mutual reviewed the business owners policy, it was his suggestion that the Town Hall building be increased from $111,936 to $130,000, this was approved by a motion from Watson/Julson. M/C. Discussion about the transfer-site fees for large loads of material other than bagged garbage led to a decision that the fees that are in place will need to be more strictly enforced.
The bills were read by the clerk and approved for payment with a motion by Watson/Julson. M/C. Motion to adjourn at 9:25 p.m. by Julson/Watson until November 29, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. M/C.
Respectfully submitted;
Berniece J. Tangney, Town Clerk
(These are unapproved minutes subject to approval on December 20, 2007.)