Clothing, music, expressions.....these are all things, and many others, that have changed over the years.
That's Okay.
Morals, values, priorities....these are things that have also changed over the years. That's NOT okay!
The first list are physical things. Even God gives us change. Colors in the trees change with
the seasons, scenery changes from one part of the world to another, even a plain caterpillar changes into a beautiful
butterfly. Change is and can be good.
What can't and shouldn't change is Jesus in our lives. What Jesus taught us 2000 years ago remains
the same today. Hebrews gives us a lot to think about. Heb 1:12" ...but you are the same and your years will never
end." Heb 2:1 "Therefore we must pay greater attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift
away from it." I'm afraid we have drifted away, FAR away. There is a series of books titled "An Idiots Guide
to ....." well we need one titled "An Idiots Guide to Living a Christian Life" Guess what! We have one.
It's called the Bible. It's not complicated, it's actually pretty easy to understand. Jesus made things simple
for us and easy to understand because he actually knows the limitations of a humans understanding. He put himself in
our shoes, lowered himself to our level and taught us everything we need to know. Everything!
I recently watched a movie I highly recommend. It's called "Time Changer" It can be found on
VHS at most Blockbuster Video rental stores. Especially recommend for teens. Watching this movie gives you
an idea how much things have changed over the past century and how hurtful many of these changes are. The end truly
gives you something to think about. Contact me if you need help finding this movie.
"Lord help me to accept the things I can not change,
Courage to change the things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference."