This page is an attempt to describe my TC2K implementation. This is only one possible implementation and depending on your hardware/software background you may find easier/better ways yourself. If you do have plans for a better implementation of the TC2K please contact me and I will post you design and/or link to your site.

The TC2K program is a perl script written to work in tandem with 2 other programs: Scanner Recorder and CallAudit Lite. These 2 programs do 95% of the work required and the perl script mearly coordinates the 2 programs. When the perl script is run it reads in 2 text files. One text file declares the CallerID numbers the user wants the tc2k to answer and the other contains paths to the wave files he want played in a particular order. The script then watches the logfile.txt output of the CallAudit lite software waiting for new lines to appear. If a call matching an entry in the users set up file arrives, the script sees the matching string in the logfile.txt and picks up the extension by writing a bit to the parallel port. There is a FET and relay attached to the parallel port that controls the off-hook switch on a hacked up phone. The script then plays its first wave file and starts watching the logfile of the Scanner Recorder tool. This tool is always "armed" and recording, but removes silence. So when the phone is not in use, Scanner Recorder won't be storing any sound. When the script picks up the extension though, scanner recorder records both incoming and outgoing speech. After playing a file, the script watches the logfile of the Scanner Recorder tool. Since the Scanner Recorder tool stops storing sound when it encounters silence, silence detection is accomplished by waiting for new entries in the Scanner Recorder logfile. Sound duration and timestamps are recorded into its logfile by Scanner Recorder each time it stops storing so this is a cue to the script that the telemarketer has stopped talking and we can play our next wave file.