Raymond A. Jay
94 Windsor Dr.
Englewood, FL 34223

941-548-2415 - Bus.

941-586-5995 - Cell

If no answer please leave a message and I'll return your call ASAP

Sorry for the inconvience, but due to the enormous amount of automatic lifting of email addresses

by Spammers we are forced to put our email addresses in a format they

are unable to pickup. If you wish to email us, just combine the

addresse below in the format xxxxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx

rayjayknives (at) gmail.com


With the enormous amount of spam and viruses

out there, we have raised our Spam Killer Threshold

to zap anything that isn't already in our address book.

If you are having trouble getting through to us on our

normal email addresses, please use -- rjay05 at gmail.com --

This is Deliberately not put in email format since the spammers

are constantly scanning websites looking for new addresses.

If that fails, use rayjay05 at yahoo.com.





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