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Mustang Seat


The Mustang Dual-tour Seat with the Corbin Mini Sissy Bar is my recommendation for a great improvement in short- and long-distance riding on the Streak as well as a significantly improved ride for your passenger.

These steps are for installing on a 2004 Kawasaki Vulcan Mean Streak but should be similar for any other Vulcan.

Mustang Dual-tour seat

I found the stock seat on the Mean Streak to be quite comfortable.  However, two things made me decide to get the Mustang seat.  First, my wife made it a requirement. Second, the stock seat was a little soft and would compress easily over a long trip, contributing to dead butt.

NOTE: One thing I didn't truly appreciate before getting this seat, was just how much a backrest -- well, a "butt" rest in this case -- can improve your ride over distance.  As you can see in the second image, the rider's saddle has an upright portion at the rear, providing about 6" of backstop to support you on the bike.  This allows you to relax your grip on the bars as it supports you and keeps you in place without having to have a death grip on the bars to hold you there.  It is a small thing that cannot truly be appreciated until you have tried it.

Click on image to view full-size


Installing the seat was a very simple operation.  Remove the bolt at the tail of the stock seat, and the two on either side, and remove the seat.  Put the Mustang rider saddle in place and put the two bolts back in the slotted brackets to either side.  These brackets are the same as those found on the stock seat so mounting is identical -- or nearly so: I'll explain in a moment.

Install the passenger seat by slipping the large metal tang (sticking below the front of the passenger seat) into the slot in the rider saddle just below the top edge at the rear.  Then bolt the passenger seat in place with the bolt taken from the tail of the stock seat.

NOTE: Be careful when placing the passenger seat in place as the bracket has an "edge" to it and it can easily scrape away some of the paint on the fender.  Don't ask how I know.

Click on image to view full-size.

I did find that the Mustang seat had more "play" in its positioning than the stock seat.  The stock seat would go on and its pads would directly contact points on the frame.  There wasn't much question of where to place it: put it on and bolt it in.  The Mustang saddle had much more play and even putting it all the way down (high point on the slotted brackets on the side) I found that the pads weren't completely contacting the frame until I sat on it.  This may be design -- might provide a better ride -- or not but it wasn't a problem.  I just positioned the saddle where I wanted it and bolted it down.  The saddle gives enough that when you sit on it all is well.

Click on image to view full-size.

Corbin Mini sissy bar

I wanted a sissy bar on but I wanted to maintain the low profile look of the bike.  The Corbin Mini sissy bar was the only one I found that seemed to provide this combination.  In combination with the Mustang Dual-tour seat, the sissy bar pad sits immediately above the passenger seat.  It only provides back support up to the passenger's waste but my wife says it works fine.  I just have to let her know if I am going to twist the throttle quickly.


The finished installation maintains the low profile look of the Streak while providing great short- and long-distance comfort and definitely improving the ride for the passenger.