Career Objective:

Systems Analyst, to design, develop, and maintain computer software systems.


Experienced in design methodologies, computer aided software engineering (CASE), computer systems, structured programming, relational database design, business and accounting concepts. Work well as part of a team or as an individual.

Platforms: iSeries, AS/400, S/390, Windows NT, Linux.

Languages: Java, Visual Basic, RPG, COBOL, HTML, XSLT, Assembler, Cool2/E (Synon2/E).

DataBase: DB/2, SQL Server, Oracle.


B. S. Computer Science for Business, DeVry Institute of Technology, Phoenix AZ, February 1984, 3.01/4.0 GPA.

Employment History:

May 00 - Present Engineering Manager, BEA / Crossgain, Kirkland WA:  Customer Centric Engineering, Plan and Deliver Service Packs and Temproary Patches to WebLogic Workshop.  Developed IDE components for internet e-business enablement systems for XML, SOAP, and Java to ease information transfer between companies. 

May 99 - May 00 Project Lead, Nordstrom, Seattle WA:  Lead project, gather requirements, design systems, develop programs, test systems, provide technical assistance, coordinate environment setup.  Deployed I2 logistics freight payment system. 

Oct. 86 - May 99 Systems Analyst, Guy Carpenter, Seattle WA:  Lead projects, gather requirements, design systems, develop programs, test systems, maintain existing programs. Worked on fiduciary accounting system and contract placement and tracking system. 

May 85 - Aug. 86 Programmer Analyst, Mitchell Sweet and Associates, Tempe AZ:  Gather requirements, design systems, develop programs, maintain existing programs. Worked on Guaranteed Student Loan issuing and tracking system. 

May 83 - May 85 Information Systems Director, Arizona Baptist Convention, Paradise Valley AZ:  Scheduled operations, maintained existing programs, installed new operating system releases, linked off site PC to the host computer, budgeted department expenses. Worked on mailing lists and accounting systems including general ledger, accounts payable, donation receipts, and payroll. 

Jan 85 - June 86 Instructor, Southwestern College, Paradise Valley AZ: Instructor of introduction to computers. 

Other Interests and Activities:

Foster Care, flying, building, working on cars, martial arts, skiing. 


Available on request
