The Weber Security Page

This page last updated on November 16, 1999.

Important Information About InterNet Connections


The other day, I noticed that I could use Network Neighborhood on my NT Server to browse others networks and machines through my DSL modem.  So I started looking into what was going on.  Could others browse my network?



So a friend of mine from Visio recommended the following series of articles.  Very good reading, and I'd recommend them to anybody with a full-time internet connection.  I'd even recommend them to folks with dial-ups

High-speed Internet access can be harmful to your health, and the health of your PC
Security appliances offer users protection during 'always on' high-speed access
Software solutions can provide remedies for Windows security risks lurking on the Internet
Internet service providers are starting to fix Windows' gaps in high-speed protection
Outlook Express' spell check fixes; rich-text replies; and stronger Internet protection

KEEN WEB SITE (but a little scary too)

The fourth article has a link to a guy who through his web site will TELL you where your exposures are.

I found out that all my resources required passwords to use, and that was good.  I was fortunate that I was using a NT machines to slow up the attack.  But that Microsoft Networking made it so easy, and the amount of information that this web site could see surprised me.

Try and navigate to ShieldsUp!  The information was keen and motivated me to make some immediate changes.


I went to my network properties and removed or disabled NETBios (the service that allows Microsoft Networking to run on TCP/IP) bindings from my device that connects me to the internet (my second NIC CARD).  This stops other people running Microsoft Networking from browsing your computer.

I will now start looking for a reasonably priced firewall.

I hope you found this information useful.

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