Resources. RAM and Processor time

Internet browser Tool bars are system hogs. Many get installed along with other software or peripherals that you may add to your system, such as printers, routers, scanners and such.
Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and others. I've seen machines that have had 3 or more toolbars all using RAM and processor time to the point it was almost unable to get on the internet, because there were no resources left for ME. Remove them via Control Panel, Add and Remove Programs (Or Programs and Features)

Keep ONLY one, if you use it often. But I strongly suggest removing all toolbars except the anti-virus toolbar, if your anti-virus installs one. And use one of the Internet browsers I recommend, as they have the useful features of a toolbar already built in, without hogging.

Uninstall any unused programs. Definitely, uninstall all the trial software that came with your computer or printer, that you have not purchased, and don't use. There is usually a bunch.
If you're unsure what is trial software. try starting programs one at a time. If it comes up with a Register or Purchase dialog, it's trial software. Remove them via Control Panel, Add and Remove Programs (Or Programs and Features)

Another thing you can do is ditch Internet Explorer.

Try Firefox, Pale Moon or Google Chrome. They have all the features needed to surf the web, including the useful benefits of a tool bar, built in, without hogging RAM or processor time.

They use less resources than Internet Explorer, leaving more for YOU.

With them you can select your favorite search engine during install.

Google chrome will search right from the address (location) bar.
Firefox & Pale Moon has a dedicated search text area. ( and an easily selected engine)

Google Chrome searching feature I like -
See a word or phrase you want to search for, high-light it in the web page, right click on ti,
then click on - Search (your search engine) for - -

Don't worry about loosing your favorites, Import them during install.

Organize your Bookmarks. I create categorized folders in the Bookmark toolbar.
Makes finding bookmarks fast and efficient.
Add a page to your Bookmark folders, drag the icon just left of the location text to the folder, drop. Edit the bookmark if necessary, right click on the bookmark.

BTW: don't uninstall Internet Explorer, it's used by Windows for updates.

Want the internet to be even faster?

This will speed the internet if the pages you visit are loaded with advertisements.
in many cases, pages are 30% what you want to view. The other 70% is ads. ..What If there was a way to stop the advertisements,  Well there is. its called Hostsman.
When you go to a webpage, your computer receives a list of code that contains all the necessary commands to load what is displayed. This code also send requests, from your computer, to advertisers to display their ad on the page you're about to view. What if we were to intercept these requests, and not send them to the advertisers? Yep, NO ADS.
That's exactly what Hostsman does. You can set it to start with windows, it's not a resource hog. I have found that setting it to automatically check for updates, Use the MVPS hosts list, and Overwrite, not merge, works excellently at stopping over 95% of webpage ads.

Want to see what an ad will look like while using Hostsman, click here
You won't see a whole page,
but that's what will occupy the area of the page reserved for the ad.