

Thru the Bible in 5 years - by Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Audio

Thru the Bible is a 30-minute easy to understand, daily radio program that takes the listener through the entire Bible in just 5 years, going back and forth between the Old and New Testaments.



Disclaimer: Please note that the although the following information is provided here for reference, the author of this web page does not necessarily endorse or concur with the theological, philosophical, or scientific content contained therein.

Archaeology / Bible on-line / Bible Books & Studies / Bible Translations / Commentaries / Creation / Devotionals / General Topics / Geology / Intelligent Design /Maps /Prophecy / Questions & Answers / Radio & Audio Programs / Reference / Science / Symbols / Time Lines / Other



Bible On Line

Bible Gateway - Audible Bible

Bible Selection

Blue Letter Bible

Nave's Topical Bible

On Line Bibles - Bible Gateway

World Wide Study Bible

Bible Books & Studies


Bible Translations

Bible Gateway

International Standard Version


Abundant Bible

Calvin's Commentaries

Commentary on the Whole Bible -- Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary

Original Commentary on Acts by J. W. McGarvey

The New Testament Commentary: Vol. III--John by B. W. Johnson


Answers in Genesis

Creation Evolution Encyclopedia

Creation Museum

Creation Research Society

Creation Science Evangelism

Evolution and Science

The Institute for Creation Research


Our Daily Bread

General Topics

Aspects of the Mediterranean Social World

Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Classic Christian books in electronic format

General Topics - LD

Koinonia House

Lambert Dolphin's Library

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies

Spiritual Answers and Reasons for Faith – Walter Martin

Timeline - Bible Timeline



Christian Geology Ministry

Intelligent Design

Molecular Machines and Irreducible Complexity


Bible History - Maps

Bible Maps

Blue Letter  Bible Maps and Images

Zion Ministries Maps of Bible Lands


The Cyber Hymnal


Christian Evidences for God's Revelation through Jesus Christ and the Written Word

Questions & Answers

Questions and Answers - from the Christian Answer Net

Radio & Audio Programs

Bible Answer Man – Christian Research Institute

Coral Ridge Ministries - - Dr James Kennedy

Focus on the Family

Grace to You - Dr. John Macarthur Jr., .. Broadcast Archives, ..Broadcast Transcripts

In Touch - Charles Stanley

Insight for Living - Charles Swindoll

Leading the Way - Michael Youssef

Left Behind Series

Love Worth Finding (Sermon Archives)- Dr. Adrian Rogers, ……..(Radio Broadcasts)

Reasons to Believe - Addresses current science faith issues

Return to the Word

Thru the Bible in 5 years - by Dr. J. Vernon McGee

Truths that Transform - Dr. James Kennedy (Archives)

Voice of Calvary - Dr. Jack MacCarthur, Audio


Concordance - Bible and Concordance (The Bible Gateway), searchable, multiple languages

Concordance: Search the KJV, ASV, YLT, and Darby versions of the Bible

Dictionary - Easton's Bible Dictionary

Dictionary - Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology

Dictionary - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary

Encyclopedia - Catholic Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia - The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge

Science and the Bible

Answers In Genesis

Evolution and Science

Reasons to Believe - Addresses current science faith issues


Candy Cane

Time Lines

Time Line BC600 - 1400AD


Family Resources

Web Page Focal: P.Rotta

