Earth Age
Universe Age
Believed Age of the Universe
15 billion years
Radiometric Dating: Pb/Pb
isochron age, derived from samples of the Earth
and meteorites. This involves measurement of three isotopes of lead
(Pb-206, Pb-207, and either Pb-208 or Pb-204)
4.5 billion years
Saturn's Rings: Based on present condition and
brightness. Ref
< 100 million
Accumulation of metals into
the oceans: This calculation was performed by dividing the
amount of various metals in the oceans by the rate at which rivers bring
the metals into the oceans.
Al - 100 years
Ni - 9,000 years
Sb - 350,000 years
Fe - 140 years
Co - 18,000 years
Mo - 500,000 years
Ti - 160 years
Hg - 42,000 years
Au - 560,000 years
Cr - 350 years
Bi - 45,000 years
Ag - 2,100,000 years
Th - 350 years
Cu - 50,000 years
K - 11,000,000 years
Mn - 1,400 years
Ba - 84,000 years
Sr - 19,000,000 years
W - 1,000 years
Sn - 100,000 years
Li - 20,000,000 years
Pb - 2,000 years
Zn - 180,000 years
Mg - 45,000,000 years
Si - 8,000 years
Rb - 270,000 years
Na - 62,000,000 years Ref
100 years
45 million years
Amount of Mud on the Sea
Floor: Each year, water and winds erode about 25 billion tons of
dirt and rock from the continents and deposit it in the ocean.5
This material accumulates as loose sediment (i.e., mud) on the hard
basaltic (lava-formed) rock of the ocean floor. At that the current rate,
erosion would deposit the present amount of sediment in less than 12
million years. An alternative (creationist) explanation is that
erosion from the waters of the Genesis flood running off the continents
deposited the present amount of mud within a short time about 5000 years
ago. Ref
5,000 or 12
million years
Helium in the Earths Atmosphere: All
naturally-occurring families of radioactive elements generate helium as
they decay. helium-4 is created by radioactive
decay (alpha particles are helium nuclei) and is constantly added to the
atmosphere. Helium is not light enough to escape the Earth's gravity
(unlike hydrogen), and it will therefore accumulate over time. Based on the
amount of helium in the atmosphere minus that calculated to be lost into
space, the age of the earth has to be < 2 million years. Ref
< 2 million years
Galaxy Windup: If more than a few hundred million
years galaxies like the Milky Way would be featureless rather than its
present spirals since the inners stars rotate around the center much faster
than the outer stars. Ref
few hundred
million years
Comets disintegrate too quickly: According to
evolutionary theory, comets are supposed to be the same age as the solar
system, about 5 billion years. Yet each time a comet orbits close to
the sun, it loses so much of its material that it could not survive much
longer than about 100,000 years. Many comets have typical ages of 10,000
years. Ref1 Ref2
10,000 to 100,000
Decay of the Earth's magnetic
field: An exponential fit (assuming a half-life of 1400
years on 130 years' worth of measurements) yields an impossibly high
magnetic field even 8000 years ago, therefore the Earth must be young. Ref
< 10,000 years
Number of Super Novas Observed: in Stage 1
(5), Stage 2 (200), and Stage 3 (0) indicates the Milky Way Galaxy is <
10,000 years old. According to models, the Super Novas should reach a diameter
of about 300 light years after 120,000
years. Ref
< 10,000 years
Rapid Formation
of Granite: It has been the
apparent evidence that the large bodies of granite rocks found today at the
Earth’s surface took millions of years to cool from magmas. However,
contrary evidence pointing to relatively rapid, even catastrophic,
formation of granites is now beginning to surface. fluid
inclusions in crystals within granites and the lack of evidence of crystal
accumulation in the granite plutons indicate that
crystallization occurred quickly. Ref1, Ref2, Ref3
< 10,000 years
Tightly Bent Strata: In many mountainous areas,
strata thousands of feet thick are bent and folded into hairpin shapes. The
conventional geologic time scale says these formations were deeply buried
and solidified for hundreds of millions of years before they
were bent. Yet the folding occurred without cracking, with radii so small
that the entire formation had to be still wet and unsolidified
when the bending occurred. This implies that the folding occurred less
than thousands of years after deposition. Ref
thousands of years
Young’ age of
the Earth & Universe Q&A, Answers in Genesis