Java Man


Most likely large monkey or ape of some kind consisting of a skull cap, fifty feet away a femur, and, later in another location, three teeth. Later disavowed by its discoverer.



Ancient man  ....Before his death, Dubois said the bones belonged to a gibbon. ...bones ....were taken from the flowage of a nearby volcano which had overflowed in the recent past and buried a number of people


Did The Evolutionists Present a Good Case at the Scopes Trial?
....Java man, consisting of an ape skull and a human femur, found separated by many meters, and later disavowed by its discoverer.........


Human Evolution and "Mysterious Origins of Man"

"At the end of his life, Dubois realized that the skullcap belonged to a large ape and the leg bone was from a man. Nevertheless, the Java Man was prominently displayed at the Museum of Natural History in New York until 1984. Since then it has been removed."


The Java Man Skull Cap

....most scientists now believe the femur is that of a modern human....


Man...Apes...Australopithecines...Each Uniquely Different







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