Piltdown Man

Built around a modern ape's jaw!. Later discovered to have been due to a fraudulent combination of human skullcap with an ape's jaw several men planned by carving selected pieces of an ape bone and treating it with chemicals to give it an aged appearance.

Constructed on the basis of a pig's tooth! America's own ape-man and thus very popular. This fossil consisted of only one tooth, later discovered to be that of an extinct wild pig. 


Ancient man

http://www.pathlights.com/ce_encyclopedia/13anc02.htm  ...Of all the hoaxes of evolution, this was the classic. Several men planned it very carefully, carving selected pieces of an ape bone and treating it with chemicals to give it an aged appearance.


Did the Evolutionists Present a Good Case at The Scopes Trial?

 .....Piltdown man, later discovered to have been due to a fraudulent combination of human skullcap with an ape's jaw .....


Richard Leakey's Skull 1470

"Piltdown Man" built around a modern ape's jaw!












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