Evolution and Science Questions



MILLER EXPERIMENT: Why do Biology textbooks claim that the 1953 Miller-Urey experiment shows how life building blocks may have formed on early Earth  - when conditions on the early earth were probably nothing like those used in the experiment?  Ref.

CAMBRIAN EXPLOSION: Why don't biology textbooks discuss the "Cambrian explosion", in which all major animal groups appear together in the fossil record fully formed instead of branching from a common ancestor?  This is contrary to the evolution tree of life.

INFORMATION: The laws of physics and chemistry do not explain the existence of information. “Information is Information, neither matter nor energy. Where did information come from?

DNA:  Life is replicated by the DNA replication process. DNA is only produced from other DNA. If DNA is the information that needs to be modified for natural selection to take place, how could DNA have evolved if DNA needs to be in place before the process can start? Ref.

DNA, RNA, AMINO ACIDS:  All amino acids in biological proteins are left-handed and all sugars in DNA and RNA are right-handed.  How could they have formed by natural processes when natural process always produces an even mixture of 50% left-handed and 50% right handed acids?

DNA AND RNA COMPLEXITY: When we see complex codes we automatically assume an intelligent being had to put them together?  So why do we assume that DNA, or RNA, or a cell, which is more complex than any computer ever designed, happened by chance?  Isn't this inconsistent with good science and logical thought?

DNA, RNA, PROTEINS: The only known method of producing proteins involves DNA and RNA interacting with proteins (DNA polymerase).  How could life have begun without all three of these molecules?

HOMOLOGY: Why do biology textbooks define homology as similarity due to common ancestry, then claim that it is evidence for common ancestry?  This is a circular argument. Ref.

SPONTANEOUS DNA.  "Do coded algorithms which are a million words in length arise spontaneously by any known naturalistic process?  Is there anything in the laws of physics that suggests how such structures might arise in a spontaneous fashion?  The honest answer is simple. What we presently understand from thermodynamics and information theory argues persuasively that they do not and cannot! -- John Baumgardner Ph. D , In Six Days, 20000, p. 227.

HAECKEL'S EMBRYOS: Why do biology textbooks use drawings of similarities in vertebrate seen in Haeckel's embryos as evidence for their common ancestry - even though biologists have known for over a century that vertebrate embryos are not most similar in their early stages, and the drawings are faked?  

ARCHAOPTEYX FOSSIL: Why do biology textbooks portray the Archaeopteryx fossil as the missing link between dinosaurs and modern birds even though modern birds are probably not descended from it, and its supposed ancestors do not appear until millions of years after it?

PEPPER MOTHS: Why do biology textbooks use pictures of pepper moths camouflaged on tree trunks as evidence for natural selection when biologists have known since the 1980s that moths don't normally rest on tree trunks.

FINCHES: Why do biology textbooks claim that beak changes in Galapagos finches during severe drought can explain the origin of species by natural selection even though change were reversed after the drought ended and no evolution occurred?

FRUIT FLIES: Why do biology textbooks use fruit flies with an extra pair of wings as evidence that DNA mutations can supply raw materials for evolution even though the extra wings have no muscles and these disabled mutants cannot survive outside the laboratory?

APES LIKE HUMANS: Why are artists' drawings of apes like humans used to justify claims that we are just animals and our existence is a mere accident when fossil experts cannot even agree on who our supposed ancestors were or what they looked like?

THEORY OR FACT: Why are we told Darwin's theory of evolution is a scientific fact even though many of its scientific claims are based on misinterpretation of the facts?

SECOND LAW OF THERMAL DYNAMICS: Isn't Evolution in conflict with the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics?  The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics suggests a progression from order to disorder, from complexity to simplicity.  Biological evolution involves a hierarchical progression to increasingly complex forms of living systems, seemingly in contradiction to the Second Law of Thermal Dynamics.

PROBABILISTIC RESOURCES:  Are their really enough probabilistic resources in the universe to create life? Ref: Recipe for Simple Life.  Ref: The Privileged Planet

CONSCIOUSNESS:  How can consciousness evolve out of unconsciousness?  Evolution theory does not address this.

EYE: Does the fossil record show a gradual development of an eye in creatures?  No.  The first occurrence of an eye in the geological strata is on the trilobite, which already has a very complex visual system (eye).  there are no intermediates leading up to the trilobite. he fossil record at the lowest layer  (Cambrian layer) contains on celled organisms and then jumps to complex organisms with complex eyes and NO intermediates in-between.  The Origin of Life Equipping Course, Mike Riddle & Dr. Bob Compton, Ref.

MUTATIONS: Can Mutations Cause Macroevolution? "But there is no evidence that DNA mutations can provide the sorts of variation needed for evolution...  The sorts of variations which can contribute to Darwinian evolution, however, involve things like bone structure or body plan.  There is no evidence for beneficial mutations at the level of macroevolution, but there is also no evidence at the level of what is commonly regarded as microevolution." Jonathan Wells Ph.D. quoted in The Origin of Life Equipping Course, Mike Riddle & Dr. Bob Compton

MACROEVOLUTION:  Has Macroevolution been Observed? No one has ever observed macroevolution taking place (only microevolution is observed).  The Origin of Life Equipping Course, Mike Riddle & Dr. Bob Compton

ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT BACTERIA:  Have antibiotics caused the evolution of a new drug resistant bacteria?  Bacteria were recovered from the frozen bodies of explorers who died in 1845.  These bacteria were carefully cultured so that they were not exposed to modern antibiotics or contaminated by other bacteria.  Many of these bacteria were found to be resistant to the most powerful modern synthetic antibiotics, proving that such resistance was present long before the antibiotics were first used and that nothing new has evolved.  R. McQuire, "Eerie Human Arctic Fossils Yield Resistant Bacteria", Medical Tribune, 12/29/1988, pp. 1, 23. ------- "Some bacteria have built into them at the outset a resistance to some antibiotics.  The resistance comes from an enzyme that alters the drug to make it inactive.  This type of resistance does not build up through mutation." Lee Spetner Ph.D. Not by Chance, 1997, p. 138.









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