Books by Hermann Hesse

One of Steve's Favorite Author, 
I am looking for the books with a hyphen or dash in front!

-A Bit of Theology, 1932

A Child's Heart (Klingsor's Last Summer), 1919

-At the Spa, 1925

-A Pictorial Biography, Triad/Panther

Among the Massagetae (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1927

-An Hour Beyond Midnight, 1899

-Autobiographical Writings, Triad/Grafton, 1972

Beneath the Wheel (Unterm Rad), 1906

Bird (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1932

-Briefe, 1964

-By-Ways, 1912

-Childhood and the Magician, 1923

-Childhood and Youth before 1900:  Hermann Hesse in Letters and Documents, 1877-1895, 1966

Christmas with Two Children's Stories (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1950

-Collected Works, 1952

-Collected Works, 1957

Conversation with the Stove (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1919

-Crisis:  Pages from a Diary, 1928

Demian, Triad/Panther, 1919

Demian, Monarch Notes

-essays, 1946 to 1951

Gertrude, Penguin, 1973, 1910

Hannes (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1906

Hermann Hesse, by G. W. Field, Twayne Publishers, 1970

-Hermann Hesse: A Pictorial Biography

-Hermann Lauscher, 1901

-Hours in the Garden and Other Poems, 1936

If the War Goes On...Reflections on War and Politics, (Krieg und Frieden: (BR>Betrachtungen zu Krieg und Politik seit dem Jahr 1914), Paladin, 1946

-In Sight of Chaos, 1919

-In This World, 1907

King Yu (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1929

Klein and Wagner, 1919

Klingsor's Last Summer Triad/Panther, 1985, 1920

Knulp (Knulp: Drei Geschichten aus dem Leben Knulps), Triad/Grafton, 1986, 1915

-Letters, 1951

Lulu (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1900

Magister Ludi: The Glass Bead Game, Bantam, 1943

-My Belief:  Essays on Life and Art, Triad/Panther

Narcissus (Narziss) and Goldmund, 1930

-Neighbors, 1909

Nocturnal Games (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1948

-On the Road, 1911

Peter Camenzind, Penguin, 1904

Pictor's Metamorphoses and Other Fantasies, Triad/Panther, 1948

-Poems, 1902

-Poems, 1942

-Reflections, Triad/Panther

Report from Mormalia (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1948

-Romantic Songs, 1899

Rosshalde (Gesammelte Schriften), Triad/Grafton, 1986, 1914

Siddartha, New Directions, 1951, 1922

Soul of the Age:  Selected Letters of Hermann Hesse, 1991

-Steppenwolf, Penguin, 1927

-Steppenwolf, 1942

Steppenwolf & Siddhartha, Cliff Notes

Stories of Five Decades, Triad/Panther

Strange News from Another Star and Other Stories Penguin, 1976, 1919

Tale of the Wicker Chair (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1918

-Tales of Student Life

The Dream of the Gods (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1914

The Enamored Youth (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1907

The Glass Bead Game (Das Glasperlenspiel), 1943

-The Hesse-Mann Letters:  The Correspndence of Herman Hesse and Thomas Mann, 1975

-The Inward Way, 1931

The Jackdaw (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1951

-The Journey to Nuremberg, 1927

The Journey to the East (Die Morgenlandfahrt), Triad/Panther, 1956, 1932

The Man of the Forests (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1914

The Merman (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1907

The Painter (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1918

-The Posthumous Writings and Poems of Hermann Lauscher, 1901

The Prodigy (Unterm Rad), Penguin, 1905, 1906

The Tourist City in the South (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1925

Three Lindens (Pictor's Metaqmorphoses and Other Fantasies), 1912

Under (Beneath) the Wheel, 1906

-Wandering:  Notes and Sketches, Triad/Grafton

-War and Peace, 1946

-Youth, Beautiful Youth

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